Tuesday, June 10, 2014

back home & wisdom teeth surgery

Early the morning of the 9th we arrived in Calgary and after Sheldon so kindly picked up the car from the parking lot and picked us up back at the airport, we arrived safely home around 2 am! Time for a bit of sleep then awake to find Britt had slept in. Hmmmm and I thought she could manage on her own :-) Both she and Shaina joined us for coffee before Mom and Dad headed off for home around 10 and Shaina for her last double work day for a week.

The day was windy finally bringing in some rain but made for a yuck day until after supper. The day was perfect to unpack all my treasures and do laundry while Sheldon ran to town for errands. After a most delicious steak supper, he started to water trees while he and Britt worked on the truck while I continued to sort the house and put another coat of sealer on the custom project which seemed to have bled thru first coat.
 oh my!!
 this is a 66 for $30.99!! so best get 2 and the salsa is almost as big
 and knobs!!
Tuesday was a very early morning for Sheldon as he was off to the airport yet again heading north and Shaina and I soon followed to the city just after 6:30 AM where she had 2 of her 4 wisdom teeth out. She was a real trooper, I managed to fit in a couple of hours of returns and purchases, the only requirements where to return with soft foods like tea, soup and soft ice cream while she patiently waited in the car relaxing on her iphone. The last stop had a large dresser which needed a rope to hold lift gate down while we headed home!
 she even helped unload this big thing! thanks Missy!
I got her tucked into bed with pills and water and her laptop by noon and then I was off to town to meet Britt and be her eye lash perm and tint model. It seems I may have drifted off during the process after so many days of being on the go but they turned out great, THANKS Britty! I stopped to visit triple A's and deliver a huge bag of yarn from Debby before grabbing groceries and some more pills for Shaina and heading home. Britt was soon behind and after I cooked up home made cauliflower soup, she was off to ball. Shaina was bored by now after watching netflix most of the day but feeling pretty good after her big day. I watered flowers just before a rain squall blew in allowing me to updated the blog for awhile before heading to long awaited bed!

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