Monday, May 26, 2014

more trees go in

The plan was to get busy with moving more trees in the am, eventually we got there after coffee and moved caragana trees along the west fence line. It was another gorgeous day so even this early it was hot.
We were back at the house at 11 where Sheldon changed and grabbed golf gear to go out with Craig. I tried my hand with the new tree shovel and quickly had my 4 lilac trees dug and planted! This new toy is quite handy.
I watered them up before Shaina and I went for a ride on the chubby white ponies in the sunshine before she headed off to work. Sheldon was home late afternoon, Sharon stopped for bales and pickup her auction purchase, the lady from last 2 nights stopped for her last load of bales and after we enjoyed a delicious steak supper. Britt arrived home from work after school just in time to join us.
Saturday I tried the new Breville coffee maker but was shocked how strong it was on mild plus 1 setting :-(. yard work and prep for grass while I ran to Costco to get more plants and a grass seeder. I was back at 230 in time to un load groceries and load up and head to town to check shrub warranty, pick up the rental packer and grab a tea before heading back to the ranch.
 my tulips started to bloom.. only 17/90 even came up.. darn it!
Yard prep with grooming and mowing was rest of day.

Sunday I tried a mild setting and it too was crazy Starbucks strong.. looks like this is NOT the coffee maker for us :-(. Sheldon was all about grass seed planting.. seed, harrow, then pack while I planted shrubs and flower pots. Sadly I found most of the peonies did not survive along with no spirea or arctic willows, not sure if any hostas survived. Totally frustrated I have vowed to only plant things I know live out here in the middle of the Bermuda triangle.


and pack, then after supper we went out and dug in another tree area, getting some good use out of hte new toy for sure

Monday Sheldon ran the packer back to town and did some errands bringing home a tea at lunch. I washed up and hung out a saddle pad and distressed the grey buffet. Shaina was off for double work shift Monday! The hay was fertilized then he and I put up the purple martingale bird house.

 before above and after below.. dug in with the tree shovel too
I planted more seeds in the garden and staged the buffet after few more changes.

Britt had a quick ride on Bird after school and a couple gals stopped before supper for bales just as a wind storm hit!! We are at the mercy of Mother Nature and she seems to not want grass here!

Soon the sun was back out, another gal stopped for bales  followed by a fellow who I gave more free trees to. Sheldon showered and spent the night watching hockey finals while Britt studied for a test and I putzed around with laundry.

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