Thursday, May 22, 2014

busy days of May

The rain started soon after I posted last nights blog just before midnight, but the next morning it was fogged in like Ireland. Once the sun broke thru I checked and we had 1/2" of rain which is good. Poor Shaina woke up with a headache that continued to get worse and as she was making crepes turned to nausea so back to bed for her on a day off ;-(

I finished buffing and reassembling items then stage to post for sale.


Sheldon arrived home from the north bringing teas for us 3 requested by Shaina, Britt was at baseball for the night. We managed to fit in a couple Game of Thrones episodes.

Big work day Wednesday: Britt was off to school followed by Shaina who drove her GDL advanced driving test and past. She grabbed a couple wire baskets for me too. The day was a beauty. Sheldon started spraying the yard for weeds and then pounded in the skinny poles to set up another paddock for horses. Shaina and I walked the dogs while occasionally assisting him but it went quick. We put out horses to mow the lawn then Shaina and I rode while Sheldon scooped poop in the far pasture. Shaina was off to acupuncture at 3 to work on headaches then went for a round of golf and grabbed a mirror for me on her way home.
Then it was time to sort horses, I got 3 put in each pen and put up the hot wire across the newly pounded poles. When Britt got home from school, she cut and tied pink survey ribbon along the barbed and wire fences. Sheldon harrowed the winter pasture which now includes the new paddock so much he snapped the cable. Supper was barbcued trout, beets and coconut rice, so yummy. A gal stopped for the first of her 3 loads of small square bales. Britt went out and rode Bird for a good hour. The night was so nice. Sheldon started to harrow and pick rocks around the fruit trees, I helped out while finishing up watering flower beds and garden thru the day. We each bathed then watched more GOT (Game of Thrones)

Thursday was another gorgeous day and full of chores. girls were off to school and work. We started strong after analyzing our chore list and were off to move 5 ash trees however Sheldon claimed they were too big and NEEDED the tree shovel he had been yearning for for some time. Back to the house, made the call and was off to town to pick up the last 24" in stock. I started mowing the lawn, planted the grandma tree and tried to get Daisy to learn the hobbles to help with some long grass but that did not last a real long time :-)

Once back with his new toy and a couple of my online order boxes! it was time for a quick bite of lunch. He started harrowing the yard. We are going to skip the landscaper for this year and do what we can ourselves. After mowing I requested some top soil to fill areas so he put some in these areas while I finished all the mowing. The grass is so green right now it looks so nice cut! The septic area was the next area of leveling for the big boy in his skid steer with occasional harrowing. I unpacked my new diffuser and gave it a try getting out the the hot sun for a wee bit. Watering the flower beds and gardens and picking rock and dog crap in the sun had taken its toll. Thank goodness a few beer breaks came in too. The yard was graded quick too, it looks so nice with all the areas groomed and looking tidy!

Finally it cooled a wee bit from the high of 26 so it was time to try the new toy. Off we went with skid steer and quad with wagon. The bale gal arrived to get another load and the sweat fest continued! Sheldon headed back to get he last 2 ash trees, I grabbed Coco for a quad ride and Diego ran along although on the way home he walked the last 1/3, it was still hot for sure.

After planting and watering, Shaina arrived home from work, time for shower and supper. Britt worked after school and was home later but she and Shaina ran back to town so she could get her first official ride in the jeep! The grabbed me a well needed tea as Sheldon and I watched yet more GOT.

1 comment:

  1. Your yard is really shaping up. Tree planter is a real plus! NOt sure if first comment went through so sending again. Hugs
