Friday, February 7, 2014

1018 - Wreck It Ralph returns to the ranch

Day 1018 is a warmer day at -16! :-) Britt off to school while I waited for the arrival of Ralph. The family that got him are having problems and can no longer have any pets so asked if we would take him. Of course I said so today he arrived. The other 2 were quite curious but so far he wants nothing to do with his former cat family!
 curious kitties but D was just doing what he does best!
I then painted a 2nd coat of peacock on the chair while watching TV. Shaina came up around noon and kindly cooked me some scrambled eggs for our lunch then she was off to work for 1. Her plans are to hit a club in the city and sleepover at Kaylin's or Jenna's. Life of a teen!

Today I also started a red coffee table, sanding, scrubbing, painting and clear waxing. The usual production line but having a bit more time to fit it all in.
The peacock blue got a coat of dark and light wax combo and after dry another coat of clear and buffed. Time for a few snaps and post.
 here is how the dark wax changes the color and depth on a piece

Britt was home after school most excited to see Ralph. She was to go riding in Olds tonight but just before she left for the city she got a call it was cancelled. She cooked perogies for supper and I threw fish in microwave. Note to self, thin cod fish does not do well in microwave for 15 minutes while you wax a table. Diego liked the dried fish chunks though, though he is not one to complain about any food. :-0)

After supper I dark waxed the red table giving it that aged barn look, it is going to look lovely. As I was buffing the chair again a customer dropped off a coffee and end table to have refinished. At the same time I got  a call from friends inviting us to sail in the Bahamas in March.. ahh YES!! wait I have not lost the pounds from Mexico yet.. bigger swim suits are in order!
Today I also got an invite from the Edmonton Home and Garden show to be one of 8 showcased painted furniture vendors. She is having these 8 as a feature at the show which runs for 4 days and has 55,000 people pass thru!! Of course I said thanks but I'm booked, no I actually don't know if I have enough stuff or courage to take on that daunting task! It is an honor as she said she has been following my page for awhile but perhaps a small craft fair might be my starting venue or even a day sale here like Momma P suggested.

I also started another frame in peacock! Think there will be a few in this color ;-)
Fedex dropped the garbarator off today, holy cow, that was like 3 days from order to deliver, YEAH Costco!

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