Saturday, December 14, 2013

963 - charity auction project

Day 963, after sleeping all day and only going out a couple times, the darn pain Diego wanted out again at 2:30 am.. then whined till I let him in at 3, started barking again soon after until threatened with a spank but then roused again when Shaina got home at 3:30 am! She had worked till 1 am then stopped at the pub and drank pop visiting with friends. GRRRRR this dog is giving me huge bags under my eyes!

Day started cold at -14 By 1 pm the temperature was plus 1 and climbing to 6, go figure. I worked on a new project; a solid wood bowl white washing it and pairing it with a rippled glass jar (which took some time to clean out) I put it up as a charity auction with proceeds going to The Mustard Seed but so far not one person has bid :-(

I also waxed and glazed the large frame
Shaina kindly accepted my request to walk the dogs and cut me some fresh greenery for my charity auction then was back to her gift wrapping.
 when you walk the dogs here you also walk the horses and the cats, can you find Mitzy on the high road?
Britt I forced to go check horses and mineral tub and begrudgingly while muttering she went only to find herself out there for quite a while. She checked all horses and put out small bales for the fat ponies and even spent some time climbing the bales.. see Britt it is nice to get out when the weather is nice.

Shaina left for work around 4:30 but soon called saying she was stuck.. at the gate so off I went and pulled her out, not once but twice.. can you say new tires Dude!!

Britt and I had a yummy hamburger pasta supper before Grady picked her up and off they went to a hockey game. I worked on gifts and packaging up what I do have so far. The weather was odd, started cold, up to 6 then down to 0 at supper and up to 2 at 10 pm... (Strathmore says they are at 7) but either way it is going to be a balmy night. As I finish up typing I can hear the chinook winds starting.

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