Wednesday, September 11, 2013

868 - today is 12th anniversary of 9-11

Day 868.. beauty day ??? there have been so many. Britt headed off to school while I got ready to drive to Langdon to meet a lady about an Aussie saddle. The drive was quick but the viewing was not. I got to hear all about her grama getting scammed and every other thing, finally I faked another appointment and got out of there over an hour later!
lazy susan staged for photos
Once back home I got busy in the "workshop" working on frames today. I had a custom order to finish up as well as another request too. I painted a new sign as well.

Shaina got home from her sister sleepover hitting up her massage on the way home around 3:30. She showered and got ready for work. Britt was home from school at usual time. I made an early supper of tacos as Shaina had to leave for her shift starting at 6.

Britt was to drop a parcel at Amanda's after school but she forgot so she ran it back to town just before supper to meet a friend passing thru in a limo on their way to the Eagles concert! Thanks Britt.

After supper Britt went out on the beauty evening and gave Bird a whole body massage. She called me out to check a limp as I was vacuuming  and washing the main floor hardwood and washing the front door rug. Easily distracted since so nice I watered my garden, pulled more old plants and gathered cilantro seeds. I think I have enough to plant a field!

So sad to see is dark soon after 8 now :-( Britt enjoyed the movie The Great Gatsby while I continued laundry, cleaning and promoting my products.

It seems someone has plus 1 my blog... which means shared it publicly, anyone I know?

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