Sunday, September 8, 2013

865 - Ada's baptism

Day 865 was dreary day but Britt was up before me even ready to drive. Kaylin was up fairly soon after and we all got semi ready and jumped int eh car leaving here just after 9. Of course we stopped at Tims for beverages and bagels for the road and off we headed east with Britt behind the wheel about 9:30am. She kept us entertained with her mad singing skills.

We arrived in Oyen at noon at Mom and Dad's. Mom got home soon after and made us crepes for lunch before we all went to town to the church for Ada's baptism. Thank goodness for Craig's large family, they fill the pews and sing the songs. It was about an hour which was good as the sung came out just before it started and it was beginning to get warm in the church.
 look at miss smiley
 and she did not make a peep when he dumped water on her head
 the God Mother

 tuckered out
 few poses with us all

Visiting and pictures followed then most went to Craig's parents where we all enjoyed a lovely pot luck lunch and more visiting. The girls and I made a stop at Dales so Kaylin could see their new home and enjoyed a quick visit there. By now it was about 5:30 so we stopped quick at the Echo, loaded up furniture, shoes, a few books and clothing treasures. Thanks Travis for loading, Mom and Auntie for the treasures.
 Auntie Mindy

Britt chauffeured us again heading back west. We stopped to visit Grandma and Grandpa Ball's graves. Mom and Travis really did a nice job cleaning the area up and the headstone is very fitting. It was a lovely late summer day in the peaceful cemetery.
Into the setting sun we drove. Kaylin napped for a bit but awoke very hungry and as many of you know the trip from Strathmore to Oyen on the 570 holds no snack stops so into Drumheller we went. DQ was our supper stop. From here I drove so Britt could check out the scenery and watch for escapees from the penitentiary that her quite enamored. After just under 600 kms we arrived safely at home around 930, 12 hours later hahaha! Shaina arrived soon after from her day at work.

We visited while Kaylin shared her new David's pumpkin chai tea with me & Britt finished her homework. The girls then went to watch Now You See Me since Kaylin had never saw it. She is staying hte night as has next 2 days off! I went to bed to relax and enjoy ipad time. I love hearing the girls laughing together and all under my roof. I so miss them all happy and together. XOXOXO

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