Wednesday, August 7, 2013

833 - not a good painting day

Day 833 I woke up at 7 as Coco requested to go out and the fog was thick!! I did got back to bed but Sheldon got up at 8 to drive his swather to town to have air conditioner fixed. I think it was a long drive in for him but he said only 20 min. The rest of his morning was Tims and his favorite Canadian Tire store. I got up at 9 and enjoyed a coffee/baileys while trying to negotiate a table deal. There is a lady that wants MY kitchen table but now wants it by Saturday and painted turquoise on the base!

I ran to town at 11:30 to pick up cartrophen to give Diego his shot and picked up Sheldon to bring home for lunch. The girls were up so we all had a quick lunch. Shaina went to ride KD before she got ready and headed to work at 2. Sheldon loaded garbage and went back to town for dentist at 1:30 and more swather errands. Britt went outside but we are not sure what to do. Eventually after her dog and kitty play time she rode Pepper, Beck

I trimmed KD, whew it is warm even in the shade then came inside to start painting my dining table for its new owner. Sheldon was home from town later in the afternoon and after a cold beer he ventured out to spray weeds. I let all the horses out into the winter pasture as with no rain both pastures look like nuclear blast zones.
 just painting up a storm
 all done
Britt kindly curled my hair and as we were getting ready to leave for barbecue at Matts at 5 I noticed a paint bristle brush in my paint. I picked it out and a we scratch along with it, hmm, I saw another bump that i rubbed and the paint scratched off. Panic set in and i tried a few other areas only to find it to quickly came away. Seems the wax I had applied to the chalk paint cured good and hard and was a great barrier. I knew this would not work for the customer who was begging to get it as early as tomorrow after our previous planned Saturday. There is no way in that short time it will cure enough she will get it anywhere without some scratches and then I will be redoing from start. Sheldon and Britt helped wash off all the paint leaving a bluish patina and some blue areas. It does have the chippy old paint look but definitely not what he customer wanted. UGH!!!
removal of the paint :-( dang it
By now it was after 6 so Sheldon and I jumped in the truck to hit the supper and have a well needed drink. Britt stayed home to watch TV after riding Bird and putting horses all back in pens. We did not stay long, back home just after 8 and soon after the dark clouds released some well needed rain. We enjoyed some conversations at the party with a few guys, one a cotton farmer from Texas and a corn guy from Kentucky. The rain continued which was nice, a slow misty rain.
 all washed leaving a bluish tone
Sheldon worked a bit on the pickets of the new railing before heading in when dark. I put together my plan of attack for the table. I will mix chalk paint tomorrow as I do not have enough of any one colors to do plus the lady wants a custom mixed color. Lets see how it goes. Shaina was home at 2 am after another long day at work.

Kaylin sent some of the Color Me Rad race they did, 5 kms in 25 mins!!

Good job girls, proud of you both XOXOXOX. I even volunteered to join them next year in a moment of weakness!!

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