Thursday, February 14, 2013

659 - "Love Is" Valentines day

Day 659 is Valentines Day, Happy sweety day to my husband & girls!!! XOXOXOXO The photo theme today is Love is.. and I would say love is my family!!
 and flowers
The day found Britt on the bus as I left for Calgary for my last acne laser and check with my doctor. I grabbed a booster juice for the drive home arriving just under 3 hours round trip. I had hoped to meet Kaylin before she worked today but seems she slept in... I was excited to give her her valentines gift and was going to post but best wait.
Back home I got to work on my wood projects doing more hand sanding and staining on the table. Then I tackled the legs giving theme two coats of white chalk paint. I finished up just as Britt and Sheldon arrived home.

Poor B was still feeling crappy so I sent her off to lie down while Sheldon folded some laundry and I gave the floor a vacuum, continued laundry and general tidy. he had made reservations for prime rib supper at the golf course so a little after six we drove to town. I checked Britt into emergency and once all paperwork was done she waited and read a book while we went for supper. It was very good and easy as the only choices you needed to make were salad dressing and drinks. They served pecan pie for dessert which Sheldon claims is his favourite.
Back at the hospital it was a long wait. Eventually she was checked with diagnosis either tonsillitis or mono! To rule out mono she needed blood work which added even more time but it eventually came back negative. In the meantime Sheldon ran and got her a slush for her throat and thirst. They gave her her first dose and morning and off we headed for home just under four hours off checking in. Happy valentines day all!
and an update from Shaina..
"I had the best day today! it was a free day so some of us took a taxi and we went to a tiger temple. It was so awesome and then me and em payed extra to go feed and play with the baby tigers. Only 1000 baht. (30$!) and I loved that. Best day of the trip. Did you see I won a shirt last night at the club? It was musical chairs with about 40 people! but then at 5 or so people left we had to go get things and bring them back to the lady and sit in the chair. Yeah I won how is everything? Heard B had tonsillitis, boo!"
 will post tshirt photo here once she sends so please check back

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