Wednesday, February 13, 2013

658 - "walking"

Day 658 - walking?? well now that is going to be interesting. Work was a full day today with a pre-meeting lunch with the CBM boys to plan our questions for our supervisor as my boss is moving to Australia end of next week. The meeting went well and we continue business as usual, kinda like I called it.

I made a few stops on the way home delivering a sale item to a housebound lady, picking up more library books and grabbing more supplies at Rona. Britt requested soup for supper a her throat is still very sore and swollen when I looked. However the soup I planned was lacking ingredients so Sheldon stopped to grab some on his way home as well as a few other errands for him.
 Diego "walking" to get in out of the cold wind

He did not get home till after 6 so here we were eating at 7:20 but the corn chowder soup was delicious. I made Brit hot lemon and sent her for a hot bath and bed after supper. Sheldon watched the Flames while I put a 3rd coat of stain on my table top. I think it might be saturated as it is not getting any darker :-(
sorry all cameras dead so snapped on Sheldon's cell so blurry but you get the idea

He did bring home a lovely bouquet of flowers for Valentines day, Thanks Mr K! He was my back up "walking" photo with cell phone as battery died on DSLR
I keep forgetting to post this inspirational art piece I love I may try this.. or may not!

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