Wednesday, December 19, 2012

604 - Kaylin and Lexi sleepover

Day 604,everyone was up early, even Shaina as she has a dental appointment at 8 before she babysits Asher for the day. We dropped coco at the groomers to get spiffied up for Christmas before dropping Britt at school. Asuper cold snap rolled in and after being -4 for a few days today was -25!! It did get warmer by mid day at -14

At work we had a presentation from a co-worker at lunch on his French vacation and he brought in KFC while we watched. Later I picked up Coco then ran a few more errands including grocery shopping for the holidays.
this is an arrangement for our work but rather than let dry out over holidays one of us girls take it home to care for, I was arrangement care taker this year
Back home I tried to organize more parcels and such before making supper. Kaylin arrived just before supper to drop off Lexi and head to work. After supper I made caramel popcorn twists and puppy chow for gifts. 

I snapped a few photos too of Lexi playing with her buddies, Diego had lots of energy after I gave him his cartrophen shot yesterday.
Diego lays down to play with the smaller animals
 this photo cracks me up, Lexi loves to race around but then below needs a drink
Sheldon was a great cooking supervisor while he drank beer but eventually it motivated him to hang my wooden shelf and the TV wall mount.

Lexi keeps guard while I shower, she makes me laugh! I tried to get a shot from in the shower of her little face watching but it was too steamy so Sheldon snapped her from outside

Shaina went out for Chinese food for supper then went to the Station to "visit" Kaylin before coming home by 10. Kaylin was home from work at midnight and stayed the night, she was planning to leave Lexi and go home to leave for snowboarding with a friend in the morning but the interview fellow said perhaps Thursday would work to interview.

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