Monday, December 17, 2012

602 - one year of missing Zoe

Day 602 was my little man Asher day again. Travis and Shaina headed out early (just after 7 am) to go boarding at Sunshine. Britt jumped on the bus for one of the last few days before Christmas break!! Again, where has the time gone.

On a sad note, today also marks the one year anniversary that we lost a huge light in all of our lives. last year on this day our sweet little Zoe went to heaven. We all miss her everyday. She was a dog that put a huge paw print on your heart that will never fade. Kaylin sees many of Zoe's traits in Lexi and that makes her very happy. As you noticed in the last few days, Lexi loves to sit on knees and snuggle her humans very much like Zoe did. We feel very blessed to have had Zoe in our family and she will remain a huge part of it forever.
Asher arrived around 9:30 and we had a busy day of play. During his nap I managed to update the blog and do laundry as well as a few other cleaning tasks. TV today was full of questions and observations over the recent killing of the 20 elementary students and 6 adults in Connecticut. What a senseless sad tragedy! One of the doctors made a good statement saying it is a culture of violence issue as well as sensationalism of violent acts. I have to agree, guns have been around since cowboys and Indians and there have been mentally unstable people, the generations of late play video games where they shoot citizens and steal cars for fun!. They lack fear and respect of authority and feel they are fine to act out their anger and blame their decisions on others who made them feel unworthy. And many act out on the innocent and helpless such as children. We as a nation need to address this or it will only continue.

After a good nap, Asher was back in action playing toys and petting animals. If he lived here Coco would be 300 pounds as he fed her food at least 8 times today :-)
 Asher loved the tree, seemed to need much "help" during the day to put ornaments back on or together :-)

Craig stopped around 5:30 and Amanda at 6, she kindly cut Britt's hair before they loaded up and let just before 7. Shaina and Travis arrived just after and we all enjoyed a delicious steak supper. Brandon stopped at 8 to take Shaina to Cluny for a hot tub for her aching boarding bones and Travis headed back to town around 8:30. Sheldon gave the hungry ponies another bale after that

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