Thursday, December 6, 2012

591 - cookie exchange

Day 591 our annual cookie exchange party day. I ran and got a few more gifts after lunch and groceries as well as filled the enclave with gas before heading home. Shaina had a dental cleaning at lunch and arrived home soon after me as did Kaylin. Her new apartment stove holds one small cookie sheets at a time so she came home to do her baking for the exchange.

While she baked Shaina and I tackled the Christmas tree decorating, OK more me but she did put her ornaments on and gave Kaylin a break from molding dough whose arms are still sore from boarding Monday :-)  Although Kaylin had to work tonight and misses the actual party, she was excited to join the club to get the yummy cookies especially Coreena's toffee tarts, I think they drew Amanda in too.. even Sheldon confirmed thru Coreena she had made them for tonight HAHAHAHA
 Kaylin making her rolo cookies

Shaina headed back to town to just before 4 to work her usual Thursday night at the Roadhouse. I did have her stop at the post office to add missing photos of Britt to a couple letters and pay extra weight postage! :-( Kaylin cleaned up and boxed up her cookies for me to take to the cookie exchange then she too headed to town just before 5 to work at the Station.

By now Britt was home off the bus and she hung her ornaments then hit the TV to continue her Gossip Girl series seasons. This girl is consumed when she borrows a DVD season! When Sheldon was dropped off from work he tried to put the road reflector markers up but the ground would not allow for it, dang.
 the one minute tree decorated, the branches are not as strong as you can see the angel barely balances atop!
 Coco loved the new tree skirt and helped hold it down while Britt arranged it under the tree
Pork chops in mushroom sauce with quinoa and fresh vegetables were supper before I updated the blog, Britt went back to the TV room and Sheldon read the paper. Soon I would be off to Stouts for the night of festivities joining Sharon, Coreena and Amanda. I was home just before midnight, Shaina at 1:30 after she went out for wings with Emily after work.

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