Wednesday, December 5, 2012

590 - road to Hanna

Day 590 After dropping Britt and school and working the morning, I  picked her back up just after 12:30 and we ran a few quick errands and grabbed lunch at McDonald's for the drive to Hanna.  Today was another dental appointment closer to the removal of her retainers and brackets. Of course with our past track record we did hit a snow storm at the Three Hills corner. It was actually white out in many parts of the trek from there to Hanna but we made it only a few minutes late.

I also had some x-rays done and another ozone shot on a tooth that is not going to make it. I have hung on to it for years holding out for implants to become safer but it is not yet a reality so guess it will have to be a bridge. They decided to move another tooth a bit before impressions and removal but Britt is counting down till next Tuesday when we return and all will be off.

I drove us back home leaving at about 3:45, by now the storm had past leaving only crappy roads to drive on. We arrived home at 5:30 as Sheldon was putting out a  bale for the horses. I had forgotten to put Britt's school photos in the Christmas letters and packages so sorted that out before I whipped up supper.

After supper I put the urethane coat on the bathroom shelf while Sheldon putzed around with his lights again getting the auto timer to work.
At 9, Shaina arrived home from babysitting Asher for the day and then out for supper with Gail and Brandon followed soon after. We all watched Hope Springs which gave us some good chuckles before we all headed to bed and Brandon home at 11:30.

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