Thursday, September 26, 2024

Last Renn official Thursday Care

Suddenly, the weather turned to autumn overnight, and it began to rain just after 8:30 while I was preparing to head into the city and Dave was feeding. S awoke, brewed some coffee, and enjoyed his porridge. He prepared a to-go cup of coffee for me, and by 9, I was on my way north to pick up Lexi's anti-itch medication on the way to the city. The rain stopped close to Kaylin's.

Despite a few traffic hold-ups and the medication stop, I arrived only slightly late at 10:03. Kaylin dashed off to work, and Renn and I began our playtime. She's always a delight, whether she's being serious or humorous, and her love for coffee is evident as she continually signs and says "please." Fortunately, my travel mug requires a button press to dispense. Following a hearty snack of berries and cheese, she had her pants changed, was tucked into her sleep sack, and settled down perfectly for her 12:30 nap.


This is Rufus her stuffed Frenchie

Nathan came up from his office for a quick lunch, then went to shower and nap. This altered my plans to fix the sticky window edge, having brought new tools for the task, so I spent the time doing some online research, brain games and sharing the enamel top table tutorial of G & G Stolz's while HGTV played in the background. Renn was enjoying a deep sleep, and after more than two and a half hours, Kaylin asked me to wake her. She snuggled up on my lap quietly, watching sing-along shows as she gradually woke. In a bit, she was keen to work on the iPad keypad, signing and saying "please" each time I closed it. Today marks my final official Thursday with Renn before she starts daycare next week. It’s a bittersweet moment for all of us. XOXO But I will be back tomorrow for a Friday care day!

Kaylin returned home after 4 p.m., and we spent some time together while Renn enjoyed a drink. Once Nathan was back downstairs and on duty, Kaylin was leaving soon for a 5 p.m. massage to soothe her sore plantar fasciitis feet. I headed home before 5. The traffic was smooth until I was nearly out of the city, where it slowed to a crawl for 25 minutes. Despite that, I arrived home around 6. S had picked up a rotisserie chicken for dinner after hockey and was already slicing it. Fortunately, we had leftover cabbage, potatoes, and fresh tomatoes to accompany it. It was ideal to have a meal ready without needing to cook.

This morning, S attempted to install the bedroom fan delivered last night but encountered issues so put on hold. My problem-solving skills kicked in, and soon he was back to completing the installation. We had a slight 0.04 inches of rain today; not much, but it counts. Britt got home from Denver today and was out late afternoon to check in on her horses and feed them all for the day. She was going to watch Renn tomorrow but is currently sick hence why I will head back in. I went to garage to wipe the oil with a dry cloth, buffed it, then wiped it again with an oiled cloth. The top received another coat of stain oil. 

I then came in and finished yesterday's blog post and started on today's while S browsed the internet and watched sports. A quick scuffle erupted on the deck, prompting S to go out, and indeed, our friend Tony had returned. Sheldon swiftly caught him, placed him in the kennel, and shortly after, Mark came over to retrieve him. Oh, Tony. :) We had a relaxing hot tub - my back was feeling better this afternoon followed by a yogurt bowl in bed while watching more Luxe Listings - Sydney. I would love to live in Sydney I think.

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