Thursday, August 29, 2024

S rides Beibs

The day greeted me with bright sunshine as I woke up early, before 7:30. Dave and his assistant Randy were out to feed just after 8, while I began brewing the coffee and then quickly hopped into the shower.

S headed to town around 10 to have new tires installed on the trailer after vacuuming all the rain water of them. I spent the morning working on accounting. Shaina is taking care of Renn today; it's my third consecutive week missing my little buddy, and next week Shaina will look after her as well. That will be a whole month of not seeing them all but luckily they plan to come out Sunday. She invited me to join them, and I was getting ready to go when I remembered that there was custom painted furniture was being delivered today.

Beans and Renn

I dismantled the spray paint tent to create space. The McBains came from Oyen to deliver several pieces of furniture for refinishing, arriving at 1 PM. During their visit, we chatted, unloaded the furniture, chose colors, and of course, gave some attention to Harley and Jenkins. They departed at 2 PM.

S returned after 2, possibly passing them on the road to town. It took four hours to install four tires, and he was not pleased with that service. After we enjoyed a cold drink, I went to paint, having sanded the small project and filled the sides yesterday, while Sheldon vanished. Later, I went out to garden, thinning beets and weeding. I removed more broken sunflowers and cut some of the flowers to place in the dahlia vase.

The routine of scooping poop and emptying the barn bucket is indeed a glamorous life, not LOL. I had to stop by quickly to submit my pay sheets for the paint company. While I was burying used tissues in the garden, S returned from hockey he had ran to town for. He came out with a cold beer for us to enjoy on the deck. Given the beautiful weather, we decided to have a few more. We'll eat later when the sun sets. The only annoyance was the persistent flies everywhere.

proof Basil plays with both the stall balls in the pasture B

He even tosses the ball too, long legs Cash not so much

B was out early at 7:30. She invited me to join her for a ride on this beautiful evening. Naturally, I agreed and also invited Sheldon to come along and start riding on Beibs, with the hope of participating in a poker rally in September. It makes sense to use the horse that's been freeloading room and board for a few years, especially since I've had no luck finding one to purchase.

We got all tacked up and embarked on our first ride through the south paddocks. It was a brief 20-minute journey, as the days are noticeably shortening. After untacking, we let them graze on the grass while B fed Bird her special meal. I invited B for soup and a banana muffin as we made our way to the house, but she didn't hear me. After I sent a text when she left, she turned back to join us. Later, she and Cooper left for home before 10. Harley got her fall dewormer with some cheese. I penned today's blog, then settled down to read as S enjoyed a hot tub before we all turned in for the night.

I had just turned off the light at 11 when I heard a ruckus on the deck. S ventured out barefoot, almost certain Tony had come for a visit. He returned to bed, but instead of possible more noise later in the night, I decided to check. Indeed, Tony was up in the mez, so I placed him in the cat carrier beneath the tree on the island letting his owners know. Then, back to bed I went, reading by phone light for another hour and a half, now fully awake—thanks to Tony!

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