Thursday, August 15, 2024

Paetz kids arrive here and Renn in Ottawa

The air was filled with smoke once more. Wishing Dale a happy birthday. Dave took care of feeding the horses and dropping off Cooper. He joined us for a coffee before setting out for training. I hurried into town to pick up the Paetz children, who are staying with us while Craig, Amanda, and Asher head to Winnipeg for the western ball tournament. S continued the chicken coop construction over at Matt's place.

Shaina sent these from her morning with Renn


I always have this thumb weak point;(

Initially, I visited the nail salon to repair a tear in my thumb, trim my nails, and apply a fresh coat of polish. S required a new metal saw blade, which he believed was available at Canadian Tire, but they were out of stock when I stopped. Ada skillfully managed the two little ones until I could pick up their treats and Clover, following the departure of the others at 7 am. I made a brief stop at Britt's for J's pain medication, Rona for the saw blade, and the library to pick up a few books before heading back to the ranch.

all fixed but oh so smoky out

3 kids, a dog and a bit of luggage :)

King Gulliver chillaxin like a boss

The household was bustling with three dogs and three kids pulling out toys after choosing their rooms, with lunch in progress, reminding me of the years when we had our own three at home. Jenkins received his medication according to Dr. B's dosage instructions. Grilled cheese sandwiches were the chosen lunch, accompanied by watermelon and pickles on the side, and chips. S came home for lunch and then returned to chicken coop work. He had to repair two rails that Lindy had knocked down in her irritation before leaving. The arborist returned with two additional loads of wood chips and logs.

short and ready to get to work

Meanwhile back in Ottawa the fearless swimmer is enjoying the neighbors pool

brave little girl 

not sure about the hammock

The kids and I went for a walk with the dogs, and on our return, we stopped to feed the horses. Afterwards, we retreated indoors to the air conditioning to avoid the 26-degree heat. The "store" and "doctor" playtime resumed. As the second Harry Potter movie played, I took the opportunity to apply a second coat of paint to the small dresser.

video view

check out the natural bracelets Aislyn made me

Sheldon returned from his work day in time to barbecue hot dogs. Kraft Dinner was prepared alongside fresh vegetables, although two of the kids opted out—go figure, more for Sheldon, haha. AJ had baked delicious banana muffins for dessert. Most of us changed into pants, hopped in the car with Harley in the back, and left the other two dogs behind, considering the limited space and the potential challenge of managing three kids and three dogs on our first hike.

We enjoyed a beautiful 4 km hike, finally reaching the water's edge. We also visited Harley's favorite park. On our way back to the car, we encountered a dead snake. Once home at 8, we let the dogs out, fed the horses, and played some baseball. Britt was out soon after we got home. The girls took J to the house for his pill and compress. I drained his wound, B cleaned it with soap, and he was set for another day. After finishing with the horse care, she and Cooper went home. 

they can fly

poor flattened snake

look at the size of some of the apples

Kids had a bedtime snack and watched 30 more minutes of the movie before brushing their teeth and heading to bed. It was a busy day, and by 10, most of them were asleep. S and I stayed up to watch another episode of American Playboy, which is fascinating with all the history we remember.

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