Saturday, August 17, 2024

Marshmallow roast - lots of pics

I woke up early today at 8, after a foggy start at 7, which has now cleared. Enjoyed my coffee in bed before heading out to do some marketing. Aislyn was also up early and checked on J before having her toast. The other two joined us for toast and cereal, while S stuck to his usual porridge. B asked us to feed the horses, so we headed out, only to receive a text from her saying Dave had already fed them after we had. It seems they were treated to a double feeding today.

 This was 7:30 am in Ottawa :)

it is sunny hence the squint

wow another big dahlia blooming

The kids kept themselves busy playing while I began applying the transfer to the dresser. Before lunch Sheldon was in the garage to oil his bison horns that are dried out. This stuff made the garage smell good.

S went into town for hockey at 1.  Afterwards, we all went outside to enjoy the sunshine and walk the dogs, as Archie carried on with his search for cabbage moths. With the lovely 26-degree weather, enjoying a freezie on the deck was perfect. I tended to the garden while the girls fed the horses alfalfa, and Archie continued his moth hunt. I slipped in to the garage to finish the transfers on the dresser top and apply a clear coat to all transfers.

We are working on losing Clover's kitty prey drive but it is a challenge

B and Cooper were out late afternoon. After catching Roo, Britt and the girls brushed her down. Britt then took her for a ride, and upon returning, each girl had a turn riding before releasing her into the paddock. S was back from town having grabbed some groceries - milk is going fast :) and some wood for the chicken coop project.  Later after feeding horses, B joined us for a BBQ supper featuring fresh garden carrots, purple cabbage—which only Aislyn tried and enjoyed—and potatoes.

Then Aislyn held Roo while Britt got her feed

Today was a rainy day in Ottawa so it was indoor game day and a hot tub kinda day.

The ranch was graced with another beautiful night, ideal for the anticipated campfire and marshmallow roast. I applied another coat of sealer in between fire starting. We had agreed beforehand that ten marshmallows would be the limit per person, and everyone reached that number with ease. The dogs thoroughly enjoyed playing ball with Ada; Clover, unlike Cooper, refused to relinquish the ball, much to Harley's amusement. Archie and Sheldon also had their share of fun playing catch.

The boys started a awfully smoky fire.. pee yew

But us girls got it raging with kindling and air flow to make the perfect fire, Archie had to try the air flow technique

Sheldon found his skid steer had settled into a crazy position blocking opening the door so spent time going back and forth and perusing the net for advice.

lots of sugar going in

Clover is the boss of this ball which cracks us all up.


Then came bath time for the small people. They had gathered a lot of dust, dirt, and smoke over the past few days. I managed to get my steps in by going up and down to fill both bathtubs and wash their hair. Fortunately, Ada took care of her own shower. Afterward, it was time for snacks, brushing teeth, and bed by 10. S and I ended the day watching more of 'American Playboy' while enjoying a bowl of yogurt, nearly finishing the series.

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