Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Super smoky day

Upon waking early, just after 7, it was an incredibly smoky day. Apparently, a fire north of Calgary is causing the smoke to intensify. Dave quickly popped out to feed his horses. S headed to the rodeo grounds to work on the trenching project before 9. I focused on marketing tasks and then took off Roo's mask before heading into town. The temperature was a cool 23 degrees under the smoke cover, but it began to clear, and the temperature started to rise. I completed all my errands, which included buying a cowboy hat, picking up cat food, and retrieving our new credit card that we had missed by 10 minutes when the courier came yesterday.

I returned to the ranch at 31 degrees after 12 then had a long day of accounting and being on hold with various companies to change card numbers and sort out bills. I then went outside to hose down the horses and do some gardening in the 33-degree heat. Britt and Cooper arrived at around 5:30, by which time the temperature had soared to 34 degrees! Britt hosed the horses once more. Later, I joined her to visit the babies, and gathered a few more peas.

Eerie skies with an orange tint and smoky clouds behind my first dahlia tuber bloom

After a long day of volunteering at the rodeo grounds, Sheldon returned after 6 pm. He showered, and then we went to town to retrieve the tractor. Although it wasn't repaired, it was necessary for baling the next day. Beforehand, we enjoyed supper at Origin on the patio amidst the intense heat and smoky air.

Retrieving the tractor turned out to be quite the dilemma since the key was missing. I reached out to the couple who own the shop, but we ultimately chose to return home. On our way, the lady responded that a worker was on their way with the key, so we drove back and I dropped S off. Once home, I took a shower and caught up on my blog while watching "McLeod's Daughters." S returned after 9, then connected the baler and started making some rounds. It was way to dry and broke into fine pieces causing much frustration. He perused his phone in big brown once back inside.

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