Saturday, July 6, 2024

Show & Shine for Sheldon

Candace started the coffee pot on at 7, signaling it was time to rise and shine for another beautiful day ahead. I was planning to publish another blog post, but the photos weren't ready yet. It was time to get them going. Glancing outside, I saw the baby napping and thought I saw the horses there, but on a second look, they were gone. However, when I took H out on her leash after breakfast, there they were, all looking over the fence. S was out shooting gophers and the foal slept thru every shot.

I moved Switch and Roo to the middle paddock, then herded the rest there and closed the gate. They were all corralled into the far paddock and the gate was secured. One of these horses is like Houdini and it seems the gates need carabiners. While out in my housecoat and winter boots, I stopped at the garden, which is overrun with sprouted oats and weeds. Inside, S and C were having cereal and coffee. I had S let Harley out without a leash and she behaved excellently. Weeding gave me the chance to observe her in a calm and relaxed state. Before long, she was on the deck in the shade, watching me weed and the foal nap.

Harley cautiously meeting her new best friend unleashed

S was polishing the Fireball for the town's show and shine. He left at 10:30, just as I had changed into shorts and was fully engaged in weeding the garden. Candace was inside, reading her book. Reese's eye doctor appointment was scheduled for 11:30, but when I went inside for a cold iced tea at 11, they still hadn't received the call at 11:45, so I returned to the garden. It's a beautiful sunny day at 22 degrees, but it feels much hotter.

the dill has really perked up in water

The MH crew was discharged following the late doctor's call at 12:30. The bucket of dill was sent along to be delivered to Ma K, and they set off. Afterwards, I enjoyed some salad and a cold beer, then completed the upload and editing of the photos and videos for Thursday, and successfully posted Thursdays post.

B was out just before 2 PM as I was wrapping up the weeding in the large garden. She caught the horses, and after I switched into jeans and boots, we set off for a ride. Post-ride, we trimmed to the horses' hooves, and despite it being only 23 degrees, it felt more like 33. B also put Roo's rubber shoes on.

I scored this cute lifejacket for free online, there is so much out there especially for kids that people post.

At 3:30, after finishing with Switch's hooves, I went inside for a cold drink just as S pulled into the yard. He had won several door prizes for his participation. Exhausted from the day of sitting in the sun with a foot long sausage and beer people watching, he spent some time relaxing in the big brown chair. Meanwhile, I grabbed a cold beverage and my iPad, and settled on the deck to work on today's blog entry.

yesterdays tree mulching success

Once he was up, S joined me on the deck and started digging around four more trees. I weeded a bit in the back bed, harvested spinach, and watered the raised beds before preparing a delicious goulash with fresh spinach and basil from my garden. It was delish!

Afterward, I filled the tree rings with mulch while S ate. Sharon came out briefly to put a mask on Timba and then left. She and her parents went to see Dave race today. More rings were prepped and filled, back flower bed had thistle dug out, and the planters watered. Britt and Dave were out with the pets to work with Basil. 

Baz's lesson tonight

S got the push mower working finally and did behind the garden seeing the seedeater is out of commission. Before heading home Britt and Dave bathed Cooper who rolled in poop. While hose was out, Sheldon gave Harley a bath too.

I went for a hot tub soak and S started a fire in the pit. After my shower I worked on the blog for a bit then crawled into bed to start a new show called Owning Manhattan. It is crazy all these high priced homes across America.

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