Monday, July 15, 2024

First golf game of the year

The following day, we incorporated golf into our camping trip. We started our game at 10:30 and enjoyed a round, each of us losing a ball or two. Interestingly, Yvonne and I ended up wearing matching colors today.

The dam game provided our afternoon entertainment, culminating in the girls winning the decisive match. Consequently, the guys were tasked with cooking dinner.

With temperatures soaring over 30 degrees, Harley truly relished her frozen Kong treat.

mushroom washer

S shared his whiskey smoking talent after dinner. 

heart melting <3 Renn giving Lexi kisses

so crazy one of the Corelle plates broke in the sink before washing

While we were enjoying a fire, a light rain began to fall. Gazing out at the lake, I noticed fireflies dancing over the water. It was a breathtaking sight that left everyone in awe. So much so I never thought to video this special sight.

our campfire on our lake front site #22

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