Tuesday, June 25, 2024

UK meets Canada

The morning began with a phone call at 8:30 from one of the stucco workers at the gate. Shortly after, two more arrived. This prompted S to quickly dress and go out to talk with them once the coffee was started. They immediately set to work scraping off the remaining stucco.

S finished his breakfast, then prepared the tractor and set out for the field at 10:40. Meanwhile, I dressed, completed and published the blog for Sunday, fed the cats their soft food, and Har her portion, emptied my car of cleaning supplies, and packed some snacks. Fortunately, the rental no longer has a urine odor says the contractors, so I can bypass making any major flooring decisions. By 11, I was on my way to Kaylin's for an afternoon gathering to meet Grace's new husband and her daughter Immy, who are returning to England today after a two-plus week visit. Despite road construction on Glenmore, my journey took only 59 minutes, although it seems the paving work will extend to #24 and last a few months.

Little miss stands alone when she is concentrating on her snacks 

Renn was enjoying her yogurt when I got there. We enjoyed some one-on-one time before the UK crew joined us. Baby Immy, just three months Renn's junior, was content to sit, smile, and wave. Our visit was filled with laughter as we watched the girls play. We had sausages barbecued, accompanied by salad and snacks. The babies alternated napping times. Nathan managed to come by a few times for a chat before they packed up, and I took them to the airport at 6. They've now embarked on their journey home. Wishing them safe travels!

I swung through town on my way home to check on the rental's progress. They had claimed it would be finished today, but as expected, there's still a lot to be done. The basement walls and the garage have been painted, though. The baseboards are cut but not yet installed. I noticed the pee smell is still lingering in the entryway. It seems the area where the insulation was removed is still wet and odorous. I'm puzzled by this. After sniffing around, I found that the door base, register, and this area were the culprits, so I sprayed them all with several coats of clear odor blocker, hoping to seal it. I believe the bottom of the door will need to be painted by hand since spraying upside down isn't effective. I picked up S's favorite pizza, which I had ordered on the drive, and headed home at 7. At the ranch, S was wrapping up the last of the round bales total 79. Sharon and Darren were just leaving the yard when they stopped to chat. They turned around to join us on the deck for cold beers and pizza in the sunshine. Dave wasn't far behind, having just unloaded his second load of squares at the new place they're moving to. He joined us to enjoy his sushi and a beer.

garage painted

basement flooring down

laundry room painted

baseboards seem to be painted in 1 coat as per site overage onto back but how did this split?

Today, he personally picked 145 bales, handling the truck and the loading process. Britt was ready to ride and collect bales after work. She went riding while we wrapped up our visit and dinner. The Stouts left at 9, and we hooked up the small trailer to the ranger; B and I donned our gloves and loaded 49 small squares in half an hour. Dave headed to the winter pasture to gather more bales. After we were done, S drove for him, I weeded in the large garden, and B fed Bird. By 10, B, D, and C headed off after Dave had loaded another 73 bales. The hot tub reached 104 degrees, too hot for comfort. S took a shower while I sliced the ice cream cake, and then we retired to bed to unwind from the day's activities. I watched a new series titled "America’s Sweethearts," featuring the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders, while S browsed on his phone.

scratch coat on

Cooper let them both pet him :)

I picked this pile of dill and offered on FB 

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