Saturday, June 1, 2024

Rental is officially empty

It was a glorious day outside, with brilliant sunshine and not a breath of wind. S rose early, just past 7:30, and went out to treat the hot tub and clean the filters, clad only in his underwear. After starting the coffee, he brought a cup to me in bed and then spent some time on his phone.

We noticed a fox in the paddock that had caught a gopher, which confirmed it could stay a bit longer. S topped up the fireball with fuel as I tended to the planters. At 10, we went into town to inspect the rental property. It seems one project may lead to another. The question is, should we sell it as it is? Perhaps just apply a fresh coat of paint and new baseboards? Or should we undertake a complete renovation? This will require some thorough research.

Our next destination was the grand opening of a new home store. We browsed around, purchased some scratch mitts, and enjoyed a burger. Before departing, we had a brief chat with the owners, whom we knew. Next, I picked up the herbs I had ordered from the library. Then, we returned to the rental to close the windows we had left open. A quick stop at Tim's rewarded us with iced coffees for our leisurely drive around town in the vibrant fireball. On our final check of the rental, we found another open window, which we closed before heading home.

The weather was so delightful that I felt compelled to spend time in the yard. S began moving soil in the pit shortly after Shaina and Matt arrived at around 1:30. She survived her party last night (go back a day to see the added photos). They retreated to her room for a movie and a nap following her grand birthday celebration the previous night. B, along with her pets, joined outside soon after. She unearthed and handed me all her tulips, roughly 30, which I planted in the back bed. S, feeling queasy from his IT work, decided to rest in the big brown chair. B took off for a ride while I set out to plant my herbs. She also tended to her feeding chores and prepared to shoe Roo. Once S awoke, he assisted me with weeding the yard. He tackled the dandelions and then carried the bucket to the horses. In an attempt to stuff some feed into the grazing muzzle I had placed on Switch the night before, he stumbled, and she managed to remove it. Despite his efforts, B ultimately had to secure it. Shaina emerged onto the deck, soon joined by Matt for a brief chat. I divided my chives, giving half to B, and replanted my share alongside the tomatoes.

After enjoying a bowl of cereal and a soda, Shaina began to unload the truck. I pointed out where to place things and then went inside to start dinner. B returned home with her pets in tow. Shaina's Jeep was emptied and parked. We savored spaghetti with a side of hockey on TV. A brief rain shower occurred as Shaina and Matt dashed to town for a snow shovel at 7:30, but it was merely a sprinkle.

Upon their return, we indulged in a hot tub session. The skyline wasn't as stunning, and mosquitoes were present, yet it was still pleasant. Rain fell towards the end of our soak, but shortly after, everyone went inside to shower and prepare for bed. S and I began watching a new webinar on pet cancer, but within an hour, S had fallen asleep.

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