Friday, June 28, 2024

Renn is walking!

S awoke at 5:30 to the sight of flashing lights from fire engines and EMS near our driveway. I woke up at 6 but went back to sleep, as did he, and when we got up again before 9, the lights had disappeared, though traffic remained slow. It turned out that a semi had veered into the ditch carrying a bee train of barley. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the accident required time to clear up.

5:37 am

Can she get any cuter?

On this dreary day, we enjoyed our coffee. S checked the rain gauge and discovered that 1 6/10ths - nearly 2 inches of rain had fallen yesterday and overnight. Having the gates left open all night, S went to inspect the battery, removed it for charging, and cleaned up the remnants of a mouse's visit. When the sun emerged, I removed Bird's rain sheet and fitted Roo's mask. Returning through the garage door, I resumed work on my computer. Coincidentally, Sharon arrived to remove Timba's mask and mistakenly removed Roo's as well. I went back outside and put Roo's mask back on even though she was a bit reluctant.

For lunch, I prepared egg salad sandwiches with eggs I had boiled previously. Fresh radishes were harvested and compost was buried while S reinstalled the now-charged gate battery. This crop grows quickly, but it can turn from perfect to split and woody in just a day. The stair flooring installation did not go as planned yesterday, despite Sheldon emphasizing the need for precise installation and clean finishing lines. Upon inspection last night, he found a gap wide enough for his finger between the edge of the stairs and the flooring. Exasperated, he declared it unacceptable and demanded the replacement of the $780 product.

2 bedroom "boob" lights were taken down to use at rental, how can one be so dusty? Wait the right one was downstairs so must be construction dust in the ceiling space?

Look who's walking!!

so proud of herself

God bless Lexi

We packed cleaning supplies, the box full of white-painted items, light bulbs, ladder, and the light fixtures we had removed, then set off for town after 4 PM. After returning a library book and restocking on alcohol, we found the contractors still at the house, so we went to Rona for door sills and a fire alarm. We looked for products to smooth the jagged edges at the door transitions but found no solution. I also picked up an accent table, but since the contractors were still there when we passed by, we decided to head home around 6 PM.

I prepared a goulash with fresh spinach and herbs from the garden, which S enjoyed as usual. As we were returning to town at 7:30, Britt and Cooper arrived. It was a beautiful evening—calm, sunny, and the invitation to go for a ride was tempting. However, the rental renovation awaited, so we proceeded. Upon arrival, we discovered some tasks nearly complete, and the stairs that had been glued were now detached and piled at the top.

the transition strip in basement looks ok

this register gap does not

I am also not happy with the stark white they painted the baseboards on the main level as it makes all the awful baseboard cuts they did stick out but also draws your eyes to the original door trim that is warm white and now looking dingy and shows all damage.

I cleaned out the cold air returns with the shop vac they had on site, but I stopped when I noticed they had applied another coat of oil to the black countertop. The neighbors came over to check out the updates, and one woman accidentally rested her arm on the freshly oiled surface. Stan also dropped by to inform me that my saddle repairs were finished. We went to collect it and had a brief visit. The installation of the lights was delayed because the ceiling needed cleaning. Ultimately, we decided to wait until they were done before we began adding our "new" items, so we returned home at 9.

accident marks at our approach, yikes this is a steep ditch. He must have been crapping his pants going in!

B had left, the saddle was stored in the tack room, the rental bathroom mirror's inner edge received a fresh coat of paint, and it was time for a hot tub soak. We began watching "Hate to Love Nickelback" on Netflix at 11, which, as expected, didn't finish until almost 1 am.

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