Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wind damage repairs

The rain has ended but it is still a bit blustery and overcast. No planters set out until later in the afternoon. Har was fed and the cats the last soft food on hand out front. After our coffee and breakfast, S cleaned the bathrooms while I tidied up and prepped the ”store area” for a table viewing later this am. My trigger finger has returned but now know what causes it - repetitive cutting of branches. Now how to prevent it. Can I squeeze shears with middle finger out? Or maybe I just need a garden boy ;)

daily dose of Renn cuteness

Britt dropped Cooper off around 11 then was off to an appointment. I bundled up and headed outside. I opened house paddock gates and got horses in off the winter pasture. They will stay in there for a week or so all together giving the other pastures a break. I checked “Darren which was uprooting even though still pegged on one side. S came and helped me pound in another peg and tie it up. There was 3/10ths more rain overnight. This would be for a total of 1" 3/10ths for this rain and almost 3" over last few days. I scooped poop and found a piece of shingle… dang it! We looked up to see an area missing on the NW roofline.

We had a quick lunch. The fellow arrived to check out the antique table but passed as not what he wanted with a small child. Darn it. Things were put back in order. We loaded up the cedar chest and trash in the car and off to town we headed.

Grandmas crocheted afghans and 2 bags of clothes were dropped for the homeless program. Next stop was to deliver the cedar chest. Sheldon even helped carry it up stairs to the bedroom of the buyers. Thanks helper. We had message from Stan this am that the rental siding was torn off the rental place under the deck. Sure enough it was in chaos with a chunk out of it too. We got it snapped back in place and S put a nail in the corner to hold it in place. It may need a better fix with the chunk out of it and rain could get in behind it.

The library book was dropped off and we looped back around the rental to check the roof for any shingle damage. all good. It was then on to Paetz’s. Aislyn got to open her belated birthday present She and I played multiple 4 in a row games and I got to see all her candy and birthday gifts. S visited with Craig. I also dropped off Corey’s crate for Craig to take along to Oyen when he goes, THANK YOU! And a bag of grandmas crocheted baby blankets were left for AJ too. Things are moving out.

Cutest little 6 year old XOXO

Back at the ranch Britt was lunging Roo after feeding Bird. S continued washing his hockey equipment. I took a tour thru the storage trailer and found water leaking in the NE corner. We have plans to purge the trailer and re-tar the roof to seal it. B took off for home. I pulled weeds then jumped on the quad to go scoop up the fresh poop that the horses added to the winter pasture. S went up to nail the missing but found chunk of shingle back up.

Harley was fed and then I was on to chopping a prepping the HF sweet pepper and pork meal. S checked the leaking deck door taking it all apart. I vacuumed the door jam and screen which he hosed and left to dry. He scrubbed the door jam and seals all around and hopefully all is looking ok.

Shaina (and Lexi) joined us for supper. She brought things to store here. We all headed to the storage trailer and searched boxes. All the boxes she had saved for kitchen are now able to be given away with just a few things kept. Other things were sorted and decided on. We were back at the house were she emptied her jeep. I pulled the planters back in and did a bit of sweeping while she had door open. Dave and Britt arrived, hooking to the cargo trailer. S moved the tractor and they backed in. B’s toy box, box springs, dining table and 2 chairs, garden stuff and more was loaded up and taken to town. I found a box with the ride on car and Barbie vehicles. I needed the car 2 days ago! I scrubbed them all up. Shaina and Lexi headed off to the city.

S and I went for a hot tub. The wind had let up around supper and the sun came out making for a gorgeous evening. Dave was back with the trailer, parked it and headed back home. A quick rinse and S was back to the hockey game. I worked on today's blog at the island watching the game as it turned completely around with Vancouver winning.

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