Sunday, May 19, 2024

That was a close one!

Sunny but some clouds and only 4 degrees to start the day. We had our coffee listening to another cancer talk in the series I signed up for. S was off to church and I to get computer work done. A new tutorial for the sideboard update was published, shared and sent to places needed. The blog for yesterday had all photos added and posted. Then marketing was addressed for a bit before starting a tutorial for the garden trellis as well as creating the garden tutorial.

Har and I went out but the wind was bitterly cold even though sunny. I scooped poop and headed back in. SO glad we declined camping this weekend. S was home soon after around 12 with a hot tea and a potentilla plant I saw free in town. He cooked up a bologna egg in a hole. I had toast at 11 so not currently hungry. We listened to the other half of the cancer diet webinar with our tea.

This bleeding heart is the toughest plant on our place. Everyday it is blown to smithereens yet it is huge. Nothing else looks like it at this time.

I headed outside to plant more carrot, kohlrabi, radishes and beets. S stayed in to have a 10 min “rest. When he did come out I heard him holler. It seems he pushed on the bottle tree post passing by and it cracked off at the base! How lucky were we to get all the bottles off?? We worked together to get the rebar spikes out on one side as it was HEAVY with them all in. We then got it laid down on the gravel. 

good thing we took the bottles off yesterday

It looks so odd without it there

Britt and her pets arrived and soon was off riding Roo around the hay pasture. S finished taking the spikes out then loaded them up in the ranger and took to the shop. I finished planting my seeds then moved on to planting the shrub. A hole was dug where a spirea had died. I was planting it up when I saw the fox crossing the same route along far house pasture fence line. S ran for his gun but he was gone by the time he got it. I let Britt know who saw it while riding then Cooper took after it. 

I moved onto pruning the 2 spirea shrubs. Britt was back and fed Roo. The skies were darkening to the west just before 3. I suggested she get moving to feed Bird but by the time she took Roo back the winds picked up like crazy. Harley and I came in just before I did. S was not long after. B had to find Gulliver then loaded him and Cooper up and headed off. I jumped in the shower and when I got out the rain had arrived along with graupel too. Poor Ruby, sure hope her flowers hold up. The bees were busy on her today.

The wind let up about an hour later with only a wee bit of moisture dropped. We cooked up an early supper- always a favourite salmon, rice and salad. The weather was quiet with sun off and on now. S shocked and filled a bit of water in the hot tub. He also moved the fox trap up to the yard trees where I saw him the other night. I got the cats in for the night.

We headed off to meet Shaina at East Hills to see Kingdom of Planet of The Apes. Sheldon claims to be a huge fan and was super keen to see it so us girls obliged. Shaina brought my glasses too, thanks!! And thanks for the snacks too even though I claimed to be full. It was raining when we came out after 9. It rained most of the way home and let up allot by the time we were at the ranch. Oh well, some is better then none. S watched sports and I Youtube videos - garden and beauty tonight ;)

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