Friday, May 24, 2024

S off to the AV farm

The day greeted us with sunshine, which was a delight, especially for my plants that seemed to crave some warmth. However, I woke up with an annoying headache. Looking outside, I noticed Stella on the deck. When S went to let out J, he discovered that the far corner, their usual entry and exit point, had been dug out. Following our typical morning routine, S decided to take a trip to the valley to mow the lawn and check on the baby bison, considering our upcoming weeks are packed. I managed to plant my sprouted corn and some red sunflower seeds in the garden. Meanwhile, S got the ranger ready and topped off the truck with fuel.

The second GF meal was prepared for lunch, consisting of pork patties served over a vegetable hash. Despite the abundance of peppers, which I generously shared with S, it was delicious. After packing up his remaining items, he departed for Acadia Valley at 12:30. He'll decide based on how the day unfolds whether to stay there or return home tonight. Meanwhile, I resumed trimming roses, sowing flower seeds, and planting the final Siberian iris bulbs amidst the fern leaf peonies.

our dogs :)

The weather was off and on again with drops of rain then sun. I started on the island which is loaded with weeds and grass.

soooo many weeds and grass

B sent a warning about an approaching storm with hail, advising to shelter the plants. I relocated them onto the deck, and as predicted, the rain began around 4 PM. It was mostly rain with a smattering of small hailstones, lasting about 45 minutes and yielding two-tenths of an inch of precipitation. 

This weather drove me indoors to continue working on the table. I progressed to sanding with 180-grit paper. Afterward, I turned the table over to sand the base and legs, then applied the first coat of black paint.

After finishing the table, I left it to dry and went back outside. The moisture makes it easier to pull out all the quack grass and dandelions. The island is also overrun with thistles! It's amusing how the cats enjoy keeping me company while I weed, almost like they're on guard duty. Harley was occupied with a bone, which kept her quite busy.

                                            weed progress and my guard cats on duty

I was still weeding when Britt arrived at her usual 7:30. I wrapped up the weeding, slipped into my cowboy boots, and we set off for a ride. It was over an hour of exercising the horses. We concluded with a walk along the lane where I had trimmed the trees.

Can you spot Stella?

Stella was up top on the roof scouting birds when we arrived back. Harley did not join us as she stayed with her bone. I tossed the pail of dandelions when I released Switch. B fed her horses while I dished up the bone broth and put a new pot on to simmer again. I had a late dinner of cottage cheese and pineapple. B headed home before 10. 

I headed back to the garage to paint the base and legs a second coat of black paint then left it to dry overnight. Brush washed and things tidied it was Netflix up next relaxing in bed at 11. I ended up watching episodes till 1 am! S is staying at Mom's tonight to do more farm work in the am.

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