Thursday, April 4, 2024

Snow returns

Harley sounded the alarm just before 8. It was Cooper being dropped off for the day seeing he would not go in the backyard. Dave headed to the track as the snow fell. It looks like winter is back but luckily only 0 out. Poor Shaina had another bout of bad luck. She arrived early at 7 for her 8:50 flight to Ottawa but it ended up with a 3 hour delay due to 1 no show crew member This would throw her entire Disney World trip off as she will now most likely miss her connecting flight in Ottawa with Matt and his family. This in turn has no connecting flight till tomorrow. And she has her Disneyworld pass bought for tomorrow. Not to mention having to get from airport to Airbnb on her own in Florida etc. Poor girl, the travel gods are not on her side lately.

After coffee and computer work, I went to work on the table. Of course seeing it only had one more coat of clear, I had to jack with a spot that required a whole series of touch ups! Why do I do this to myself. As I did the layers of clear coat, I watered my pots. S hauled in a garbage can to install the water nipples. This was after he checked his trap and found a cat. The cat was Stella ;)

A nice hot bowl of homemade soup for lunch then S was off to town for shinny. It has been killing him not to go and even though his shoulder still hurts he wants to try. I went out and gave the entire table a solid clear coat and left to dry. Inside I wrote the custom purple chair tutorial. It will not be published for awhile. 

Poor Shaina did end up missing her connecting flight by 20 minutes! Deicing took 45, they moved her to the front to get off first but she had to race thru US security & customs but the connector did not wait. They did offer her a hotel room but she chose to take a taxi to Matt's as will be 24 hours till her flight to Florida. She invited his neighbours over to drink wine in the hot tub and help deflect her sadness.

S was back with a couple groceries. The snow continued to softly fall all day looking like full on winter again. For supper I made a balsamic honey chicken in the air fryer with rice and salad. Flames played at 6 with another loss taking them out of the Stanley cup running. I had S help me carry the table top in. I put the legs on and did more touchups on the top on the sag area. This will require the top to be clear coated in full again but tomorrow.

Matt stopped over with a hole saw S needed for the chicken feeder. I did up the bone broth for Har and put on another batch. Britt was out late or perhaps it is her new time as still light before 8. She fed and took Cooper home. She brought a parcel delivered to her house for me. It is my new carbide scraper with shop vac attachment. We wrapped up the evening watching 2 more Friends in Low Places episodes. I then started a new book but it is kinda weird. Will see if I continue.

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