Sunday, April 14, 2024

our No Toll gate was busy

Early awake as per usual for me. Harley slept thru the night yesterday but today she was up at 3:30 am most likely because she was fed late last night. Coffee and a toast breakfast before Sheldon, Ma and Pa headed to church. I scrubbed bathrooms, bathed Harley and changed her bedding, cleaned the kitchen and main area, ran the vacuum around, buried the Kleenex in the garden, set snacks out and finished Friday's post. And of course got dressed for the day too ;)

I "borrowed" this photos from Matt's Insta account from their Florida trip

below they are with Matt's niece Harlee, the reason the trip happened with Grandma Betty taking her for her 10th birthday.

The church group was back before noon. Mama 2 Feathers picked up a fruit tray and cinnamon buns for a brunch :) thank you! while S grabbed buns for chili later and beer. A quick bite with a beer was had with Corey and Danielle arriving after 12. We had a great visit with snacks and drinks. After a couple hours we went out for a yard and shop tour. We looped around to the garage to check out their new sideboard then loaded it up.

Ma and Pa packed up and headed east around 2:30. We visited more back inside then went out to join Britt who arrived and fed and was now grooming Beibs. It was a beauty 19 sunshine out but there was a bit of a breeze all day. Corey’s were off before 4. B took Roo out to lunge in the hay field. 

I put burger on to cook then S and I then got to work pulling out the purple marten birdhouse. Mom arrived as we were hooking up the chain to it and lifted with skid steer. It has a heavy lump of cement on the buried end. 

Mom and I loaded the house and top part of the pole in her car. S brought the quad and wagon around to load the pole part with cement end. He and I loaded it into her car. Good thing she had the trunk back seat pass thru! It looks odd without it there now.

Time to make the chili. Dave arrived next. He and B loaded up a bed and her garage goodies. They then came in to join us for supper and a short visit. After they set off for home to unload, Mom and I searched for mini home rentals. She would like to drive to Alaska.

She was then off before 7. I watered my garden then S joined me (leaving his hockey game) to take Har for a quick walk to the gate and back. He was back to the couch and his flames. We did fit in a hot tub soak at 2nd intermission. Flames ended up winning. I perused Alaska cruises Mom also wants to take.

We both moved to bed at 9 after a cinnamon bun and fruit, S had an ice cream sandwich too. He is researching latest TV technology and I wrote today blog post. Then a little reading for me yet again. I am almost done this book. 

Of course I will end with some cute Renny videos for you to enjoy

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