Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Costco run

As is the last months routine, Har goes out between 2-5 am (UGH) and me awake for the day after 7. I made coffee and fed the cats on the front deck their soft food. After breakfast S ran the vacuum around while I got last couple days of the blog caught up. While S had a zoom call I did housework including laundry, dishwasher unloading, Harley dishes washed and watered my garage pots. 2 pots have seedlings growing, yeah!!

Can you guess which towel has been used and which one just had the tags taken off? Don't save one of a pair I guess is the lesson :)

Shaina made it home safe and sound from her Florida vacation. Britt was out to feed then we all loaded up and headed to the city before noon. B followed us but took a different route and we wound up at costco at eh same time. We loaded a cart requiring her to get her own. I helped her check out and load her new patio set in our car then back in to help S. B was off to an appointment downtown. S grabbed us a sundae each as I unloaded the cart into the car. 

This is precious. These dogs are so patient with Renny <3

After we finished we went across to Marshall’s where I did a few returns before we set off. We took the route thru Strathmore to drop off Britt’s new patio furniture and pad Thai from in our cooler bag. Back to the ranch it was time to unload the perishables then I took the dogs for a walk along with both cats. It is plus11 and the wind is gone!! What a beautiful day. A gal had dropped a coffee table at the gate so S met me at the gate with the ranger to load it up. He checked the mouse trap line too. Oh course there was one caught ;(

On the way back i picked the north ditch then he and I unloaded back at the garage. I then went to look for Gully as Britt was worried. No luck for me but Sheldon saw him when he went out to eat peanuts on the deck. We then hit the hot tub as it was so sunny and gorgeous out. Sharon arrived to feed Timba as we soaked. Britt was here as we were getting out. She caught Gully, washed out her rim that has a rock stuck even after washing at car wash then headed home.

Renn has learned the way to Lexi's heart... treats ;)

Shaina snapped this cute new 'do

Supper was an attempted recreation of the spinach cheese burgers which turned out OK. I did some accounting after supper and S ran over to Matt’s to borrow his garden rototiller. I did plant care in the garage. The darn cannas are not doing anything so I lifted them to find some nothing and a couple just firm bulbs. I guess it is just over 2 weeks but disappointing for sure. I repotted 2 more smaller plants out of the Easter planter Ma & Pa gave us last year.

S was back with he rototiller he will get going tomorrow. He hit the kingsize bed to watch hockey and play Flow. I worked on my blog in bed as well as watched more gardening videos mostly about canna planting. 

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