Wednesday, April 24, 2024

15,000 step day

I woke before 7 am to lovely sunshine. The planters were rolled out early into the sun and no real wind. After our coffee the clouds rolled in making it dreary looking but forecasting 19 today. I had some troubles with airdropping videos but after chat to apple support it was all sorted and the post went live. S ran the vacuum around quick while I did the trouble shooting. Britt stopped to drop off Cooper and Gulliver and put Roo’s grazing mask on. She was then off to the city.

First project of the day was to clean out the fire pit. Not sure if we have ever done this so there was tons of nails and 4 feed bags full of ash. I edged the stones and swept all tidy. It is ready for many more fires now. I also got the water going on the back flower beds that are really dry. Craig called so he and S chatted while I moved on to digging up and weeding the peonies by the garden shed. 

Once off the call, S found an overhead sprinkler that worked to soak the straw in the garden. I had tried the big circulating one we use for the trees but it blew to far missing the garden. I started weeding the back flower bed. We stopped for a late lunch at 1. 

big dog needs big brush :)

Little miss had her first swing today and not to sure about it ;) *sorry video refuses to load after 25 attempts all different ways

Then it was back at it weeding the flower bed. Sheldon ran to the pit and brought back compost and top soil to fill the low gate areas. 3 were done here and the 2 far ones he did from the winter pasture side. Some was brought to the garden area where a few low grass areas were filled and some added to the raised beds. The temp was warm hitting 21 according to our weather station (watch says 18) but with off and on clouds it didn’t seem it.

Britt was back about 2, she caught Roo lunged and rode her. Harley got her exercise trying to help with the lunging too.

Sharon arrived with Zelos before 3:30 as she was finishing up and into brush her. I was watering my raised bed and planter seeds. Sharon put Z in the round pen and visited as I watered. S finished up the dirt work then spread grass seed. He then came into the house to rest in big brown and start hockey viewing.

B examining Switch's teeth and then floating the top ones, very carefully ;)

Dr Ashley and her tech arrived at 4. I caught Switch who was first up for dental work. B had caught Bird and had both her and Roo inside too. Brittany actually floated Switch’s top teeth under the supervision of the vet. Ashley did the lowers and fronts. 

Timba was up next. While he was being done S and I had a bowl of soup to hold us over till later as I have customer going to look at the dining table at 7. I was back out to move Switch outside to the hitching post with Roo and Bird now the sun was back out. Zelos was done as I caught Beibs. Switch was let go now more awake after her drugs. When Z was done Ashley did chiro outside in the sunshine on Bird, Beibs then Roo. I helped Sharon putting Timba back in the pasture with Switch and loading Z who she took back to his boarding place. He will be back here in June.

I came in to tidy the main area and have S help me move the table to the door. I chopped up all the veggies for supper and put in fridge. Compost was buried n the garden. The chiros were just being finished up when the customers arrived at 7. They are family friends so came in for a visit. Britt loaded her pets and followed vet Ashley and her tech out where they met in town for supper. The visit lasted almost 2 hours with them checking out the table quick on their way out saying they will take it and come back next week to pick up. 

I cooked up the pork stir fry which was so yummy. Good food is definitely the better food service company. S took a break from the game and we hit the hot tub. The wind has picked up now. My body was very happy for the soak after all my digging and bending. We hit the comfy king after our showers to 1 -watch the Oilers lose and 2 - to write todays blog post. 15,000 step for me today! The moon had been crazy full last few nights (last night official full moon) but tonight it still looks big and full.

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