Saturday, March 16, 2024

River walk plus 13 day

Coffee and brain games in bed before S grabbed a banana and off to shinny starting at 9:30. Early for any day but especially a Saturday. I got started on the vacation blog posts. I worked on our first day with a bowl of yogurt. Lots of videos needed to be loaded too. Hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of Cabo.

B was out after 10 to check on Beibs. He is doing better putting weight on it but still not burst thru. She soaked, poulticed and rewrapped it. S was back before noon with chai teas. B and Shaina were planning a trip to the Hat today to visit Grama and Papa but with horse duties for B and a week of digestive issues for Shaina they rescheduled it for Easter weekend. B headed home to do housework. Garage laundry was started along with bone broth for Har. She also got a bison tail to devour outside.

2 cuties

I was working on accounting after a leftover lunch and found the overcharge. S was on hold for an hour with Visa before he finally got thru to get the issue solved. We loaded up Harley and headed to the river after 2. We walked for an hour 3 kms in the PLUS 13 sunshine with no wind. Lots of folks were out walking but never saw most. We also drove up to the weir to check the ice as below is pretty open.

We were back home at 4 for some chips dip and a beer. Har was happy to eat early and rest but Britt and Cooper arrived soon after we did. I took carrot peelings and apples to the horses while B fed Bird and Roo. I forgot she has been feeding Roo too - a diet type supplement. 

Renn gets another pony :) That's my girl <3

The steaks were prepped along with the potato pack. I helped B bring her plants up and she loaded in her car and ran home. The Flames hit the ice at 5. Horse blankets were started to be washed up and hung outside to dry. B did not want her dumbcane plant so I posted it and within 2 minutes it was spoken for and picked up shortly after. B was back after 6 as steaks went on. It was a tasty thank you supper for B. She went and fed Bird again seeing she did not eat all before. The evening was fabulous. She and Cooper then headed home before 8.

Shaina's sunset view

I finished up day 2 of the trip and posted. Back to back hockey games entertained S but during an intermission around 8:30 we went for a hot tub. The sunset was amazing again tonight with waves of pink and purple still visible from the first while in the tub.  The stars were out making for a fabulous soak.

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