Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Stucco comes off in sheets

We were having our coffee in bed when Dave dropped Cooper off in the garage. Cooper tried to convince me he was not fed but a quick text proved he was tricking me. I published yesterday's blog while S made his porridge. He helped me haul the MCM dresser up for pick up this am. Of course I did a touch up on an area that had a mark. I put another coat of clear on AJ's stool. I think it is done and ready to go home. I then got to work on my 23 & Me tree as my membership is up. 

 Not having hockey yesterday has S in a funk. He grabbed his skates and ran to town to public skating at 10:30. I continued my ancestry work till the gal arrived for the dresser. She and I loaded it up in short order and she was off. I uploaded videos on my tutorial blogs.

S was back at noon for a bowl of the soup and a beer. I rousted him from big brown to get out in the plus 5 weather. I walked the dogs and met him at the gate with his bringing the ranger. I let the horses out for a romp. 

You can never catch Biebs but he sure was interested in Sheldon's peanuts and even ate a handful of shelled ones.

He greased the gate and did mouse trap stuff. I gave the dogs a search and find for kibble and treats in the snow while I took down the last of the Christmas decor on the front step posts. Back with the ranger S loaded them then back to gate to take the greenery off them. I met him in the shop with a cold drink.

He stayed to do some tidying (I hope) and I went to garage to touch up the black sideboard yet again. B ordered hello Fresh that was delivered so I got it put away. I unpacked my parcel and did project prep. I also did more touchups on the black sideboard. Amanda's stool was hauled in for a few pictures. S sent a picture he indeed moved the stereo up on top of the cabinets to get out of the way and hung a beer sign (a gift from Ma & Pa) as I suggested!! Yay, so much tidier. He even got the remote to work.

S started pulling off more lifted stucco. I was the ladder girl and bag finder. And snack provider. I ordered dog food for here and Britt's while we are away. 

Watch it just peel off!!

Back inside I was rearranging the the "store" downstairs. S helped me move the big antique wood table after I vacuumed. As I rearranged items he perused his phone. We had left the baby gate open when I heard footsteps on the stairs.


Ah no way lady, back upstairs ;)

An early hot tub in the sunshine was enjoyed. The first HF meal was cooked up for supper. It was a creamy pesto pot pasta. B says she could eat it everyday. Sheldon thought the tomato pesto oil was pork fat so avoided eating it. I liked it as did Dave when he arrived to eat his plate before 7:30. He packed up his suitcase and was off to find his passport in storage and is off to Phoenix tomorrow to golf till Sunday. B and Coop were off not long after. We watched a Queer Eye then a Car Masters to wrap up our evening.

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