Thursday, February 29, 2024

B moves stuff back to her condo

Chinook winds howled all night including when I let H out before 6 am. It was at least sunny when we woke but sooo windy.The owner bumped off at least 4 times around 7 Am. I got tea on and coffee. I was feeding har when B and Dave arrived at 9 to feed Cooper and hook up the trailer to move today. They were off not long after. More plant accessing with the app and such. Another call to Dyson revealed that our vacuum head is not meant for hardwood?? Pardon? But they are sending a soft cleaning head. I read a bit while S once again chatted with Emma’s to assure we are set up for tomorrow.

After a tuna sandwich we were off to town. We saw a truck coming towards us with a strap waving out the back. We laughed and said the guy is doing a Dave but in short order we saw it was Dave :) He was taking the trailer back home to unhook. All their stuff in storage was moved.

Kaylin sent this lunch video of Renn, she really enjoys her meals :)

I dropped S at the hockey rink then off to drop off/pick up library books and drop of parcel returns. I then took a loop thru Walmart to check out the new plants. I really like the shefflera and yucca plants they have in stock and some cute little ones but will wait until back. It was then time for my mani/pedi gifted to me by S. I chose a soft sparkly pink for my nails and a sparkly blue for toes (of course right?)

I finished just in time to pick up the prince back at the arena doors. We set off for home grabbing our taxes from last year and dropping off trash on the way home. The temperature is dropping. It was plus 3 when I left H out early morning, 2 when up, 10 at the highest today and now 4 and going down. Dogs were fed and we enjoyed a refreshing beverage and chips. Snow pellets started to close in after the skies darkened around supper time and the temp was -3.

Tacos were cooked up for supper. a favourite of course. We then perused BC rental places. S found a place but it is a 10 min drive to water. We were having our yogurt bowl when B and D arrived before 8:30 to eat. It is now -9 out!! Dave said the #2 was shutdown earlier due to white out. Again once, after they were done eating they were off. S moved to bed to continue watching hockey. I finished up the blogs I have been working on.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Furniture pick up

These sweet videos were from Saturday

Today’s tasks for S and I were online and on phone. I spent most of the morning and early afternoon writing the table tutorial. S spent his calling anyone in the power chain in regards to the recent $830 utility bill. No one could seem to help him sadly. The gal did stop and get her pieces just after 1. It did not take long to load them up. And she loved them! And has 2-3 more pieces for me to do in the future. A couple dudes stopped to look at the stucco to give a quote.

S even had his bowl of soup at lunch while on a call. B arrived at 1 but headed back to pick up her laptop she forgot. She was back at 2 taking off Bird’s blanket as it is now -6 compared to -18 upon waking. I continued with tutorial writing. So many videos on these recent projects with many having to be compressed before uploading.


Renn checking out her toy box video, things are gonna get real messy now :)

S helped B with her taxes with goal to decide on RRSP thru Craig. She took the dogs for a walk to the gate while S hit the couch for a nap. I downloaded a new plant care app so spent the afternoon identifying each plant and any problems they may have. Seems I have a few to repot and some needing more water and fertilizer. I did some of Britt’s plants then she had a nap on the couch once S moved to big brown with his laptop. He is on a mission to get stucco quotes in. The temperature is 0 now!

S prepped burgers for supper and I peeled carrots to snack on. I threw fries in air fryer when he put burgers on. A tasty supper ensued with Dave joining us later. As soon as he was done eating, they were off to do chores at Grady's. (It is his birthday today too, happy cake day Grady!). Shaina's art work finally was done to her liking and I ordered. It should arrive when Matt gets back home. This was also their view she sent from Costa Rica.

After hockey ended we watched a Car Masters but S fell asleep. I moved on to watching Queer Eye before lights out for me.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Early morning with Renn

At 6:06 am I heard a tiny voice - Dada? Oh my heart, it was priceless. I text with Shaina whose flight was delayed in regards to the puppy picture order. Then I headed down to see the little princess and her sweet Mom. It is still bitter -21 cold day and snowing. Renny played, crawled, sang and jumped her heart out. She was just having breakfast when I headed off to my upper GI testing just a few blocs away. THANKS Kaylin for starting my car. And for the bed sans breakfast stay.  XOXO 

Renn sure loves to jump in her Jolly Jumper (video)

breakfast for the princess or is it art class? :)

The testing was pretty easy starting with an ultrasound. The bubbly drink pre barium was a unique beverage to chug and not burp. The barium test itself was fairly easy and fast and I think counted as a workout too :). I was in and out in over an hour. It was now sunny and no snow but BRRRR. I stopped back at Kaylin’s but both she and Renn were napping. I got my bags and chatted with Nate for a bit then on my way.

Fasting since supper last night had me hungry and thirsty for a hot chair tea. I grabbed a raisin bran muffin too and checked out Winners. Fitting rooms are not enjoyable with all items left behind. I did find some new undergarments, a nightie and a cute tiny back pack for the trip. No shopping bags here nor at fast food places in Calgary Kaylin says either.

On the way home I stopped at east hills Costco. I did some returns then a peruse of clothes. It was then off to the ranch. S was vacuuming when I arrived. The garage door issues were back and apparently the gate had issues this am for Dave. He ran to town for fuel and Tim’s for he and Sheldon with the gate opening fine this time. It also seems Miss Harley snuck up on the couch this am.

I made a pot of popcorn to go with a cold beer and catchup. The furniture was moved to the door for pickup but the gal then moved it to tomorrow. Time to do last minute trip prep. 

this girl XOXO

This is the condo we are staying at in Cabo. We then bundled up and took the dogs for a walk. BRRRR but at least no wind and sun. The dogs over it f course. Back inside to continue car rental / taxi prices, get our new US credit card ready to use etc. I cooked up a beef goulash with some frozen zucchini. We ate while hot. Britt fed first when she got home before 7 with the last bit of light then ate. Flames game at 7! Dave arrived around 7:30. Once he was done they along with Cooper were off. 

I had a soak in the tub while reading. S hopped in during last intermission then relaxed in bed to watch another win. I read and caught up on my Flow games.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Supper with Grama & Papa

It was blustery and cold when Harley went out at 5:45 am. Just as forecast it got awful overnight. It was yucky most of the day. Coop was dropped off at 7. I skipped coffee this am and made tea instead. S made porridge to go with his coffees.

This is Shaina and Matt at a friend's wedding last weekend in Banff

S tried to book a campsite for May long weekend at 9 but after some computer glitches logging back in at 9:20 EVERYTHING was booked. B wanted the boots off Bird and Roo. I bundled up in the -17 with a wind chill feeling like -27 to check. I ended up taking Roo's off and leaving Bird's. Time to get some suitcases packed. We are meeting Grama and Papa today at 4 for a visit and bite to eat before they leave to Cancun tomorrow am. Shaina is leaving for Costa Rico about 6 hours before them. I have upper GI testing at 8:15 tomorrow am so plan to stay at Kaylin's tonight so needed a bag. The Cabo suitcase had lots loaded including 3 new swim suits I forgot I had.

Sheldon had leftover tortellini and was off to shinny at 1. I caught up the blog and got stuff loaded to take to the city. A few more staged photos and tutorial work was done.

He was back at 3 as I was feeding the dogs early. We were off to the city with the sun finally coming out. Grama and Papa were staying at a hotel near the airport. Shaina arrived soon after we did. The couple they are travelling with were next followed by Kaylin, Nate and Renn Renny was the hit of course. We all went down to Pacini’s  for supper. I ordered for Britt who joined us after work. It was a tasty supper. THANK YOU Ma & Pa.

Everyone was off then in different directions. Britt took Sheldon home. I arrived at Kaylin’s as they were getting Renn in the bath. It was-17 all day but now bitterly cold now at -21. Renn was alseep in short order. Nathan ran for groceries while Kaylin was so kind to sugar me. We then watched Below deck before bed.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Shaina out for steak supper and hot tub


Good morning from Renny XOXO

S was off to church. I got to work on the tables. I was going to put together when found the one loose screw hole. It was filled and all put together. Once flipped of course there were some issues with the repaired edges which needed to be sanded and more filler added. The one top edge had more purple paint. I hauled in the chairs to take pics and of course had more touch ups and waxing on them too.

S was back from church with teas. I came in to enjoy mine and visit while he cooked up ham, eggs and potatoes. I then fixed him up with a castor pack on his shoulder and he perused the net to find lights to install in the living room. It is always to dark on big occasions. I went back out and clear coated the table top. More touch ups on the white including the bottom shelf that was sanded quick. Being OCD is adding up the hours on this project.

B and Cooper arrived after 1 as I was putting another coat of white on the lower shelf and touch ups. She fed Bird and checked all the rest. Roo got more meds for her sore feet. She was off after 2 to town and back in an hour. I updated my spreadsheets and let the customer know her peices were complete. I hauled in the table to snap a pic.

Shaina stopped to visit Renn and shared these adorable shots XOXO

Once B was back she and I took the dogs for a walk. S finished up a hockey game and was outside scooping dog poop around the yard. B caught Gulliver and took him “home”. S and I prepped a kale salad and a veggie pack for supper. The veggies were put on the BBQ.

More hockey entertained S till it was time to cook the steaks Shaina joined us for supper. She arrived after 6 as the wind started to pick up and temperature dropping. We had our salads then started eating with Britt arriving late having fell asleep. Three of us braved the blustery +2 winds that felt like -15 for a hot tub.

Back in and a quick shower to watch AFT finale. B headed off putting Bird's blanket on. Shaina watched with us for awhile then headed back to the city about 8:45. We moved to finish the disappointing show in bed. My favourite team did win though but I already knew after checking online earlier this week. The winds continued to howl all night.

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Last Saturday in February


B arrived after 9 as we were having coffee in bed. She fed the dogs and put boots on her horses seeing it is so icy out. She scooped leftover HF meal and headed back to Grady’s to hang out with Amber’s dog. They left today for a week vacation leaving B  to care for all the animals- 30 sheep, 2 pigs, 2 dogs and chickens. I did a bit of marketing then out to work on the custom projects. The table top was painting again. The second chair was painted purple. The blessed black sideboard had another coat of black paint!!

Leftover lunch and I was back out there. I was going to put the table together but seen more repairs and paint touch ups The top had move purple added too. S trouble shot an alert issue on his truck and sorted a filing cabinet drawer. The chairs were dark waxed. While the wax set up a bit I came in and caught up the blog with a cold beer.

Back to the garage to clear coat the table top. More touchups on the chairs and all was left to dry. Time to take the dogs for a walk. It is - as the high. There was about 10 flakes of snow this am and nothing since just overcast and cool. The dogs love the walk though. B as coming in the yard at 5 as we were walking. S picked up his hot tub parcel at the gate as we passed by. She fed bird before coming in to await supper. Tonight was air fryer foods I want to clean out of the freezer. Appetizer was dry ribs then battered fish and fries. I made S a HUGE salad too.

When she was finished eating B and Cooper left after 7. Sheldon washed up the pots while I continued the blog update. Of course hockey has been on all afternoon to keep him entertained. He did take a break to join me for a hot tub. It was still a bit light out after 6:30. I gave the table top another clear coat with S back watching hockey. Battle of Alberta was on at 8 which was quite a game. I peruse more information on castor oil packs finally ordering a kit as the Flames won. Happy birthday Riley!

Friday, February 23, 2024

Another concert night

The custom table had a second coat of creamy white painted on after a quick sanding and more wood filler. Chairs had more sanding then one was painted purple. The top was painted washed purple. S rolled a bale out for the horses.

I did a lead test on the Stolz table and be danged if it is not lead paint... hmmm 

S ran to town for shinny fitting in 35 min of ice time.  I continued on the table adding more layers of purple and tweaking the base. I finally forced myself to quit at 1:30 and  quickly walk the dogs to the gate and back. Then it was a quick war paint application and clothes change. My new jeans are made of plastic bottles!! WTH!

He made it back by 2 to change and jump in the car. it is almost 12 above out. We set off to visit Renn, K & N. Nathan was making skor bits cookies. Very tasty. Renn opened late Christmas gifts from the Paetz’s and showed us all her new skills. XOXO Kaylin kindly sugared her Dad’s nose hair and eyebrows. He’s building up to the back in the future :)

This little girl has great upper body strength and likes to not be helped thank you :)

such a smart little sweetie ... that clap XOXO

these are the art pieces Shaina is having decisions to make on

We fought the rush hour traffic at 4:30 to get to Shaina’s place. We parked in her building stopping up to have a quick visit and a beer. Our 15 min walk had us at the Saltlik for our 5:30 reservation. We had vey tasty steaks and cocktails. Then it was off to line up for the Nate Smith concert. The line went around the block but luckily it was really nice out.

We found our standing space inside and waited after doors opened at 7. The opening signer started at 8 and played for about half hour. The headliner Nate did not start till after 9 and played for about an hour. It was a good show but random standing is not really our preference especially when some people just push their way in front of you and stand! 

Dylan Schnieder opening act

3 videos of Nate's music, enjoy

We walked back to Shaina’s for a visit and couple glasses of water. At midnight we set off for the ranch. Not sleepy we watched some Car masters with an orange and popcorn. Pretty good day indeed.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Purple projects coming up

After the usual start I paper bag sanded AJ’s stool to drop off today and did some plant care. I braided my money tree and topped a fiddle leaf. Along with computer work. S did online camping research and loaded the stucco bags in the truck. I also unboxed and checked out the 2 direct tripods delivered.

this is B's fiddle I am topping in hopes of branching it out

The table lady arrived at 11:30 for another table consult. She chose purple for the chairs before and today chose purple for the table top! And a cream base. she says she is not afraid of color. She is the customer so purple it is.

My staging wall all freshly painted

We had lunch then headed to town. It is plus 9 out with water running everywhere. Stop at the dump to unload the stucco then I dropped S at the rink. I grabbed my free smoothie and did a receipt corrections at Walmart (that took way longer than necessary) before heading to my hair appointment. It is time for my yearly high and low lights. I picked S back up at the arena by 3:30.

money tree and pony tail palm at hairdressers that always inspire.

someone is ticklish video <3

and look at this big forward facing girl and her puppy out for a walk

We dropped the stool off at Paetz’s an had a short visit. Back at the ranch at 4:30 I took the dog for a quick walk to the gat before feeding them. S unloaded his equipment and cracked a beer. I made popcorn for an appetizer then revered he has a rodeo meeting at 6:30 so cooked up the last HF meal. Cheesy tortellini and mushrooms. We ate quick and he was off. B is in colic surgery so will be late. I went out and painted the custom table base its first coat of creamy white.

Once completed I left it to dry and in to update spreadsheet. I also sent photos and updates for a picture Shaina had me order off Etsy of Matt's dog Barkley. S was home after 8:30 tonight, wow. Of course it had more to do with watching his Flames play. Britt did not make it back from her late surgery till 9:30. She ate then fed Bird and headed off to bed. Cooper stayed the night seeing it was late and would save her time in the am. The Flames won in overtime making S's night!