Sunday, January 28, 2024

River walk

I pushed the grind button on the way to feed Har and the cats. (J got his pill too, his dosage is for 2 weeks!) We played our morning brain games in bed before S grabbed an apple and headed to church. I published a blog post then worked on the dresser tutorial for a bit. It was then time to get out and get painting the sideboard now that I sent the cats out.

Snapchat has new filters... me with lip filler :)

I mixed up some black milk paint for the base. I loved how the coverage looked worn. I forgot how much I like using this paint. S was back home as I as painting. He made himself lunch and back to his high level flow game. I put another coat of black gel stain/top coat on the top before I came in.

B and her pets arrived as I was scrambling an egg. She had something to eat then fed Bird. We loaded the dogs and headed off to McKinnon Flats only to find it was closed for the season. Backroads led us to the trout fishing area we like to frequent. B of course was worried the kooky guy that lives there that once threatened to shoot the dogs would be out. He wasn't ;)

We had a fantastic 4.5 km walk in 2 degree temps with a cloud cover along the river. The pace had us unzipping and removing jackets. We rolled into the yard with 2 km worth of fuel left!!!  B and I jumped out with the dogs as S headed for the fuel tank.

B chowed down on some ripple chips then off to trim Beibs. I prepped a beverage for the prince and I along with a snack. We played a game of Tantrix once he was in. I was shocked to see an Etsy sale for the green wooden magazine rack. It is going to a penthouse in New York City!! I boxed it all up while S continued with the color challenges on the Tantrix game. The package ended up costing almost $100 to send, holy cow. Guess I should be glad the lady in the penthouse liked my piece. I was going to liquidate it here or repaint before the universe found a home for it as is.

S continued working on the levels completing 6 more during the afternoon and evening. I cooked us another HF meal. Tonight it was honey siracha chicken. B again packed up her leftovers for work. She got Gulliver from the garage then loaded he and coop in the car. I was out trying to find J who made his way from the barn. B had a look at his wound and tried to drain but seemed the lanced area has healed over. She was then off. I gave him pain killers before wiping the paint off the drawer fronts. You can see the hardware halo darn it. I sanded them and will try a cover plan tomorrow. S went and rolled the horses a bale.

Time for a hot tub. The moon was unusually hanging low and bright and there were tons of stars out. Back inside, the google was searched to find out why along with “Is Gaza a country?” Changing axis’s of earth and the moon was one answer and no it is a territory of Palestine. I read and S played many more levels of Flow. Not sure what he will play when he masters all the levels soon. 

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