Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Renny has a fever

Britt was up early for a work zoom meeting. Seems Moore's has new owners. Nathan and Renn were up as well when I came out. Nathan went back to bed at my offer of watching Renn. She was feeling hot today. I did get her to nap while rocking her as we and Shaina who was now up watched Leo movie. Shaina and Sheldon had a plan to do a 2 minute cold plunge. And they actually did it. Sheldon even did some laps.

brrrrr watch these videos

Shaina then hit the hot tub to warm up. Renn got to splash her feet.

B enjoying her book in the shade.

Even with a fever and feeling yucky this little girl keeps on smiling XOXO

Even not feeling well this little monkey smiled. She turned 6 months a few days ago.

Renn’s ear were bugging her again. Kaylin and Nathan took the minvan to Vons to get a thermometer and baby Tylenol. I took Renn out front and swung in the hammock chair. Hummingbirds were out. I called Shaina to join us. I got her to sleep again, poor thing.

Once back with thermometer she showed 102. Tylenol was given. B, S and I drove to Von’s to get groceries for supper. B came along to source some USA only goodies too. Our silly credit card is not working even with multiple calls to them. GRRR. Sunshine and visiting before S cooked the BBQ burgers with salad. 

Renn video by B

evenings around the fire with device entertainment

Monopoly was the evening game. I snuggled Renn again as she fought the fever. I eventually got her to sleep reading with her on my chest. She had a good 2 hour sleep before I took her to Kaylin at midnight.    

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