Monday, December 18, 2023

Move to palliative room

Kaylin sent this sweet video after they arrived home last night of Renn and her puppies

Dale was back again around 8 to join Amanda and I. Travis after his chores. The boys living so close popped in and out. Linda B had dropped off chili, brownies, meat tray, buns and a box of oranges this am. S brought in the oranges which were enjoyed. The staff for the most part were good but mid morning nurse cratchet came in and said Bob the roommate would be moved back in and Dad will be moved to the active side respite room. She made it sound like we moved Bob out. It turns out he is living in here for a reason and may have alternative personalities. I moved the few things back to Dad’s side and reassured her Bob could move back in right away.

The decision to move him to the palliative room turned out to be a 12 hour delay. It was an emotional upset in an already tough situation. But the crew kept up spirits up with puzzles and visiting. Today was quieter with less people. Mom and Shaina made more buns and brought brownies for lunch. Stacie went and picked up the chili and buns and heated at their place. Everyone but me made their way over in shifts to eat. Shaina kindly brought me some with a salad and bun too. XOXO. Stacie also did some laundry for Shaina. XOXO

Just before midnight they moved him. We grabbed photos which Shaina put up in palliative room on active side and few other things. This double room would have been perfect for the last 4 days but it seems there is limited beds and staff issues. The room has a large TV, Keurig, little table and some bigger chairs and a pull out couch. Shaina and Sheldon headed home. Amanda hit the couch to catch a nap. Mom stayed till 2 watching HGTV. Travis till around 4. I could not sleep at all as the O2 machine here is silent so I read and watched Dad from the recliner. Around 3 I just moved to the chair beside the bed and held Dad’s hand.

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