Thursday, December 21, 2023

Happy birthday Mom

Cooper hopped up into bed after B sent him in the front door before 7. Today is Mom’s birthday. It will be tough one. I gave her a call to send our wishes before getting on with house cleaning. Laundry continued as well as a well needed vacuum by S and spot mop by me. Dog bedding was all washed and tidying done too. S was off to town at 11. He has an ear cleaning appointment at the doctors then hockey. I finally had time to share our sad news. But what do I say??

How do you capture the essence of someone who lived life large in a few short sentences?? There are so many memories and thoughts yet trying to put them in words to sound complete is daunting. I finally got some down to share on Facebook to honor his life. But there are so many more photos and words I left out.

Sharon stopped out with a pretty floral arrangement. THANK YOU. We visited with S home from dr and shinny not long after she arrived. He brought me a HUGE bouquet! <3 He had some lunch then headed out to deal with his roadkill pheasant he scooped on way to Oyen. The tree skirt was put on as the only tree decor. It is very minimalistic looking. I searched up a baby’s first Christmas ornament while S cooked up spaghetti and sauce. A bagged salad topped it off. Delicious, thank you!

I started working on the blog but be damned if my old computer did not go into a startup loop. After about an hour I FINALLY found the solution. It seems a malware update was the cause so did startup bypassing it. Easy once found. B was not as pleased with supper as she is not a spaghetti fan but she ate some. After feeding Bird she and Cooper were off. S and I hit the hot tub. After a shower, S watched some hockey but was soon asleep. I called Mom to see how her day was. We had a good hour plus chat. 

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