Sunday, November 19, 2023

Why look elsewhere, you have deer here :)

 Another beauty day ahead. Coffee and an omelet for S. I looked out and saw a funny view. Two white tailed deer were just in the winter pasture. 150 yards away. S spent the last 2 days driving a couple hundred miles, putting on 20,000 steps, packing lunches and snacks to only have to look out his own window. How funny is this??

We headed to church in plus 13 temps. After church I gave the cabinet a couple coats of paint over the repaired area. A video was taken and sent to customer. I hauled in the mirror to snap a few photos for the customer too. Of course there were a couple more areas that needed a one artist brush of gold paint. 

This day was too amazing to stay inside. We unloaded the cabinet S picked up from Grady’s yesterday. Thank Strath’s yet again for thinking of me before tossing furniture.

Harley was loaded up and we headed south. mail was grabbed on the way. B and coop were picked up and we were off for a river hike 3 minutes from Grady’s. We spent the next hour hiking 4.5 kms and getting over 6000 steps. the dogs had a blast!

water has ice on it but Harley headed right in

enjoy this video of the scenery

B was dropped back at the sorority house. The dogs and us came home for a cold beer with pretzels and dip. Perfect day right? Well we topped it off with a soak in the hot tub too. B had arrived as we were getting in. she fed Bird, bathed Cooper and headed to the city to hang with Shaina.

Back inside it was grey Cup Sunday on TV. I prepped the littlest potatoes to air fry. S prepped steaks. Tasty for sure. After the football game ended we started a new show called Beckham. True story of David Beckham. WOW, how cruel people can be when it comes to sports!! Britt arrived to pick up Cooper before 9:30. The winds picked up like crazy so good thing we hot tubbed earlier.

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