Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Papa's bday

Today is Papa's birthday!! Cheers to many more years XOXO S called with best wishes as we had our coffee in bed. B had dropped Coop quietly. Har's food was delivered. This is such a great service esp for raw food. S headed over to Matt's to install the new battery he picked up yesterday. I worked on marketing and blogs. Almost all caught up. Be sure to scroll back a few as you may have missed some. I am posting a couple a day.

4 months photo shoot

video of this cutie

Borscht was our lunch. Thanks Ma K!! XOXO Perfect for an overcast dreary 11 day with a cold breeze. I got busy cleaning out most of my kitchen drawers. An antique cabinet was delivered for custom painting. While doing so I found I had to do some garage cleaning thanks to a cat whose antibiotics seemed to stress his tummy. S spent the afternoon watching the Blue Jays lose in wildcard playoffs. I made guacamole to go with chips and beer. This filled us up having too close to supper.

B was home before 6 to feed Bird. She and Cooper were off soon after to the sorority. Her roommates had supper ready for her. And amber packed her a most delicious lunch too. How lucky is she. Seeing the weather is to get colder yet I went and picked the last of the zucchini. They will be a tiny but tasty side dish. S zipped back to Matt’s for a serial number and tried to source another part. I waxed the cedar chest top. Not any interest after listing a price ;(. However the exact one as is is online for $400. But again that seems overpriced as is. S loaded 10 bales onto pallets for delivery later this week.

After another lovely evening hot tub soak I cooked up S an omelet. I have yogurt and berries :) I think my double daily dose of vitamin C is really helping. I am feeling less coughing and sore throat. It was a relaxing reading evening. I have been storyteller reading from my book. This makes me concentrate on words and enunciation - good for brain work.

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