Monday, October 16, 2023

Flights booked

Britt dropped Cooper off quietly at the usual 7:40 am. I was up after 8 with a headache and did marketing for Creative Moments. S slept in till 9:40 scoring high sleep points on his Fitbit. Once he was up coffee went on. Hot water usually helps my headache so we headed out for a hot tub. I got extra steps in trying to keep magpies away from the dogs bones they were given yesterday.

S had brunch once back in. Thank goodness for leftovers. I had some apple jelly toast. S was off to town early a t 1:30. He did a deposit, dropped off library book, found me a couple screws for my high chair project and after shinny grabbed some groceries.

Back at the ranch I worked on blogs, found a plug for the chair arm and primed it then spent a few hours researching Palm Springs for a trip. A bison roast was put in for supper. I was prepping veggies when S was back at 5. Britt arrived just in time to join us for supper. She was then off with Cooper skipping out on cleanup and dishes of course ;) S kindly did them as we watched The Voice. I booked out flights to Palm Springs. We will be gone Dec 3-13!!!! Kaylin and Nathan booked for part of it. The other 2 girls are booking tomorrow. The winds picked up and increased blasting the house as we relaxed in bed. S read and I continued the online pursuit for accommodations!

She's ready to travel!

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