Thursday, October 26, 2023

Bison harvest 2023

S was up early and off to the Valley at 7 am. Mom made him a coffee to go. I had packed him a protein and a nut bar for his breaky. I awoke with a headache so tried to fall back asleep with no success. I got up to feed Harley who was giving Mom all kinds of sad hungry eyes. S and the boys shot and loaded 4 old cows first thing and sent to Kindersley for hamburger. The rest of the day was processing 7 younger bison. Lo and behold while doing so he found a recently born calf!! This little one has a tough road ahead. 

Mom and I went in to visit Dad. Amanda and Aislyn were just ahead of us. AJ gave him a fresh haircut. I helped him with lunch but it was not a good day. It started out not on the best foot the staff said. I did get a full bowl of soup in. We brainstormed calf saving ideas. The trouble would be getting the baby away from the mom. Currently we will all pray the little one is helped by nature to survive.

Back at Mom’s we had a cup of mushroom soup. She and I relaxed in the living room watching some TV. I got our stuff ready to go. Paetz’s stopped to pick up Clover. S arrived as they were all loading up after 4. We loaded up and were on the road homeward bound not long after them. They took the Pollockville route and turned in behind us at Hussar. Roads were better on way home but light snow started closer to home.

there are 3 dogs here, Tim is laying down below Harley

Ada sporting some clothes Britt had passed down to her ;)

Back at the ranch Britt was just done pitching some hay. She was off. we unloaded quick. Kitty litter was cleaned as cats were in the last few days. We had a late supper of leftovers. The Flames were playing. We crawled into bed but after watching the terrible display in 2 periods the TV was shut off and lights out. We both needed sleep!

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