Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Big snow

The ground is covered in about 4+ " of snow. Dave dropped Cooper off on his way to Edmonton before 8. Time for coffee. I jumped in the shower while S pushed the snow off the deck. He also pushed the yard snow with skid steer. Accounting and blog catchup for me.

LOOK at the snow.

While S had his zoom workout I organized the furnace room pantry shelf. I then headed out to start putting the high chair together. The snow came down softly for most of the morning. 

It let up after a bowl of potato soup for lunch. S headed back out to plow the lane way. I dug my remaining 5 potato plants. They were buried deep under inch’s of snow. Some potatoes were HUGE. I hope they did not freeze as it did get to -6 ish. I then took Harley for a walk. Cooper had already took off to winery.

some BIG potatos

While out there I flipped the hay bags up. I brought one back along with Jay who followed me out walking along the fence line. The snow is deep. Harley loves it. She played with Cooper who was now back at the house for a bit. 

S and I gave Harley a well needed bath. I threw in her garage blanket, rug and coveralls before we came in for a refreshment. The snow started lightly again. I prepped the 2 rulers. Be damned if one did not twist already! Both got a stain coat. S was cutting his hair. After washing brush I trimmed his neck. Time to get the mushroom goulash cooked for supper. While it cooked I washed both dog bed cushion covers and kennel blankets. Fresh linens for all. S helped me get the beads aligned and screwed to the high chair tray.

We ate as B was working late. The one ruler had a second coat applied. S prepped coolers to go and made a list of other things to get. He helped me attach the tray to the high chair back. I added the strap back on. Just a couple touch up and find a foot rest and it is complete. We headed out braving the snow to soak in the tub. Britt arrived just before 7:30. She ate and fed Bird. The blankets were taken off her 2 horses. She grabbed Coop's food for a couple days as he will have to stay at Grady and Ambers and headed off after 8. S watched sports moving to bed. I crawled in to read once I caught up the blog and finished laundry. We plan to leave early in the morning. I finished my book.

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