Sunday, September 24, 2023

Renn snuggle Sunday

S made coffee and porridge today. Mom headed in to see Dad after 9 and will head home before lunch. S walked to gate to get merc and go to church. B and I headed to Airdrie area where she scored 6 hay feed nets. We then stopped at Kaylin’s for a visit at 11:30. She kindly sugared my legs too, THANK YOU! Renn woke not long after we got there and had oats of smiles for us. B and I wrangled Beans to trim his nails and she cleaned his face folds for them.

her thumb!!

what a cutie!

Just before we arrived we saw this.. how many city employees does it take to oil fill cracks? Apparently 5... the guy doing it, his hose holder, the power cord holder and oil cart pusher as well as a supervisor!! On the other side at power box there was 6 standing watching!! Efficient use of tax payers money

The day started overcast and cool but now the sun was out. This made the day so much better. We stopped at Starbucks. B bought us a pumpkin cold brew. Thanks B! She was not a fan but I didn’t mind it. Back at the ranch S was sitting on the deck after watching the Blue Jay's win. He also has a buyer for the merc too. We both had a quick bowl of potato salad.

Back to fall cleanup. He cleaned out the chimney while I dug thistles and weeds. I put away most of the summer decor ;( Next we worked on the flower bed retaining wall again. The best option is to completely tear it down at the back and rebuild with brick but that will be a next year project. For now we went with a post brace cut to fit.

S dug under 2 gates and put in wire. B went to map out her new room at Grady and Amber’s. I cleaned all food and clothes out of trailer.

B and I rode bareback around the hay field in the golden hour. S was on the deck working on his laptop catching the same golden rays. 

We even exercised the others for part of the loop.

I soaked in the hot tub. S joined after he was done computer tasks. He then watched sports and I read my book in bed.

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