Sunday, September 10, 2023

Happy Grandparents Day

It was another early day for me. After coffee and oatmeal 3 were off to church. B helped me change sheets in spare room, thanks B! She did pet things. I added a gator hide coat to both cake plates. The magnolia one is going to be Shelby's wedding cake holder this w/e! B checked Timba's wound with Sharon and Darren. Looking good. I popped out for a short bit then the church goers were back. B and I jumped in and we set off for Calgary.

excited to celebrate Grandparents day with sweet little Renn xoxo

We met Kaylin, Nathan and Renn at Cora's before 12:30. We had a wait in the sunshine before our brunch. Candace joined us after dropping Reese and a friend at the airport. We all went back to Kaylin's to visit in a quieter space.

sort of a 4 generation photo with S in the background

Candace, B and I headed to the ranch at 4. I put on a roast. Fresh potatoes were dug. The other 3 arrived awhile later. Sports entertained most including a bronze winning Canadian basketball game. While the others visited I published the transfer bottle tutorial. It was shared on all the required sites and submitted to paint company. Shelby's cake plate had gold dots added. This lead to the scalloped and lower edges painted gold too. Then more dark wax. 

There was intense chat about electricity. Right in S's wheelhouse. In bed we started a new series called The Night Agent. It is very intriguing so far.

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