Saturday, September 2, 2023

Daily riding

September 1!! What the heck. Mom got coffee going early. I joined her before 8 to visit. Sheldon joined before she was off to Dad's around 9:30. B had grand plans to sleep in today. Sharon was out to treat Timba. Kyle was close behind. He and Whitney gifted me their vintage dining table and 8 chairs. This required some tidying and shuffling in the storage trailer. They helped me load it in, thanks! 

I did some marketing quick. The damask papered dresser tutorial went live. Then sent and posted to all the proper sites. I also have an Etsy sale; a copper pot!

B cooked up bacon and eggs for a brunch for her and S. I ran to town for 11:30 belated birthday lunch for Sharon and Coreena. We enjoyed the 23 degree sunshine on the golf course deck catching up. Back home at 2, I dug potatoes and cooked for potato salad. B made a macaroni salad. She and I sorted her pantry/food items. A shelf from cargo trailer was set in laundry room for excess. S ran skid steer and tractor over to Matt's to set up a bale moving operation.

Look who's enjoying her evening stroll

Our salads were tasty with BBQ burgers S cooked up. Sharon stopped for a 3rd time today to treat Timba. She passed the care over to B for the weekend then was off to Canmore. B and I rode the hay field. S ran over to start the bale moving equipment set up. It turned out to be a beautiful night even with the breeze.

Mom was out after 9. She chatted about the day while having some late supper. Then we were off to bed. Pressure Cooker for me and a video for S.

Mom turned on coffee after 7. B let Cooper and Gully out not long after then back to bed. Seems we forgot to open winter/paddock gates keeping horses in all night. B ran out and opened before bed. S and I joined in on coffee. He and Mom were off at 9. Mom had a short stay heading home today after lunch for a friends party. S was off to move bales. I went and finished the hand scraping, sanding and putting on a coat of walnut stain on table top. Wildfire smoke rolled in.

Totally forgot the copper pot. I got it boxed up and shipping label printed. B tended to Timba. She and I then went for a ride. It was 11 and already 24 degrees. A coyote was at far gate not far from us and the dogs all nonchalant. Our near 3 mile ride looped thru winery. We met S on his way home for lunch break as we passed thru main gate. After the ride I filled salt/mineral tubs in house shelter and opened the winter/paddock gate.

The coyote is on left end of the gate, see below?

Look how the trees are changing and losing leaves, very fall like

We joined S inside for lunch. He headed back to bales. Britt was off to the city to get Cooper's raw food at 1. I wrote a Hometalk post for the metal garden angel stakes. Then off to garage to work on projects. The sign plan was changed after not liking the Xmas transfers. I thought about repainting then decided to try another floral transfer. This looked good so I put them on. Brown wax added to give an aged look.

Britt was back at 3. She kindly picked up the shaker peg I needed too. THANKS B! I painted it up. Perfect, now this will allow the project to be complete. I cleaned out the fridge freezer quick. She put in her food. We have full fridges and freezers in this house.

She was off to her room to chill. I came in for a refreshment. This new flavor gin was tasty. S was back from his bale adventure after 4. Cold beer for him. We ran to town quick to toss the trash 5 min before closing. I dropped off the Etsy parcel. We then grabbed some groceries for supper. Back home I cooked up a delicious chicken stirfry.

Time to get the garden and planters watered. B trimmed Bird while she ate. S and I hit the hot tub for a soak. What a beautiful sunset sky. B doctored Timba. She drained his building puss pocket calling me to see. Grossly intriguing. I watched Netflix while S perused the internet, B was off to shower and watch her TV.

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