Sunday, August 27, 2023

Cole reunion

It is going to be a hot w/e like forecast. We took advantage of the sun and no wind to have a hot tub with our morning coffee. Sharon arrived to tend to Timba. S shocked the hot tub and cleaned filters. I made a pan of brownies to take along. The gal stopped to view the antique square dining table but found it was too small for her liking ;(

The VIP goody bag in better light and below the rust free bumper.

We were off after noon. Our first stop was to get a new eco filter for the hot tub. Then Renn snuggles. Kaylin also kindly sugared my legs!! 

We were then off to Glen and Roxie's for our long awaited catchup. The weather was amazing. The BBQ ribs, salads and appetizers were delicious. The visiting was full of laughs, memories and updates. THANKS guys!! We shut it down after 2 am.

Sheldon trying the pocket rocket Glen bought ... thinking full size :)

Sunday we were up and at it after 9. Sheldon tried on the Dobie mask Shae had made for Halloween a few years back. It was in her room we were staying in ;)

After a couple coffees and a good visit we headed to Kaylin's after 11. I snuggled Renn getting her to sleep. K ran products to her store. S helped Nathan move a mattress up to the spare room. Blue Jays entertained after a Focker's movie.

Back at the ranch by 2 Sharon was just getting her morning horse care done. S hit the couch to finish ball game and nap. I vacuumed the floor, couch and big brown. Plants inside and out were watered.

B and Coop were out at 4 bringing boxes of things to move into her room, bathroom and closets. It was a smoking 29 out so no riding but she fed Bird. I cooked us up a tasty supper with fresh dug potato's, zucchini and chicken. S woke from his nap to join us. B and C headed home at 7.

 Sharon & Darren were out at 8 to do night horse care. We visited outside for a bit then they were off. We had a hot tub soak. Then watched some Netflix. S fell asleep ASAP of course.

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