Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Shaina comes for a ride

Tuesday am the skies were finally clear of smoke! And sunny too. S had a 8 am dr call. Coffee was up next. The gal arrived to pick up her ruler. It seems the bison broke more fences so S packed up and headed to AV at 10:30. The sun was out but the wind picked up immensely. S said at least it was a tail wind to the valley.

my latest orchid rescue from Costco clearance rack

I worked on blog posts, tutorials and other marketing tasks. A new Hometalk post for the natural/white dresser was created. I also did one for the floral rum bottle. I made chili for supper. Shaina arrived after 5 from training Sharon. We started with a salad. Sharon arrived soon after having changed. She brought fresh bread, thanks! After our salad and chili we were off for a ride. Shaina was the first to ride Zelos outside here. We even went thru the winery. Harley as well of course. It has been just over a year since we lost KD. :(

little video clip of us setting out

Back in the golden hour we untacked and set them free. Shaina and I soaked in the tub with Sharon enjoying a cold beverage sitting on the steps visiting with us. It was a beautiful evening. Sharon headed home. We showered and Shaina set off for the city after 9. After computer catchup I relaxed in bed watching Netflix. A new series called Five Star Chef. I chatted with S for a bit who is staying the night at Mom and Dad's. It ended up raining on him while fencing cutting his work plan short. 

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