Friday, July 7, 2023

Dresser day

Friday was spent basically working on the dresser. I decoupaged, painted and sprayed hardware. I had all along thought to do drawers solid but part of me said to try the mottled blend. At the end of the process I am still unsure. What do you think?

S cleaned the hot tub filters. It is ready for another week of use. S ran to town late afternoon to mail my Etsy parcel. He also did some errands and brought home pizza for supper. I then went out for a horse ride. The ride was a bit eventful seeing both boyfriends were left behind and kept calling her. Harley got a good run in though. I also smoothed her hooves before we went. The ride was ended when lightening seemed a bit close. There was thunder too but all quickly passed. Then it was on to the soak in the tub.

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