Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Biggest paint project yet

Upon checking after coffee in the am there was another 1.5/10ths of rain totally 1/2". This is so needed. Today is Nathan's birthday. Cheers new dad Nate! Enjoy that new BBQ.

Loaded up with a bag of snacks, lunch and beverages S was on his way to the Valley after 10:30. He will stay at Moms again for next  2 or 3 nights. This weeks plan is to clean up the farmyard. I spent the next 2 1/2 hours trying to print a page for Amanda. After an hour with tech support it was found out that the free trial ink I was sent was the issue. I cancelled the program but it required the cartridge to be removed!! WTH?? Crazy but eventually she extended the plan to use the new cartridge up. I printed the page in seconds.

Amanda, Aislyn and Clover were out to pick it up. We took the dogs for a walk and of course J too. It was horribly windy. We had a visit inside before they headed home. Kaylin text Renn is 6.75 pounds :)

Time to get to actual paint work. I put a coat of paint on the washed window frame. A second coat went on after I spent an hour and 1/2 working on 2 nightstands and a long dresser. Hardware was removed, vacuumed and scrubbed up. Some areas needed wood filler of course.

rain damaged frame, yuck

Luckily I had leftovers for supper. Potato salad was lunch! A bit of rain sprinkled down. Time to get computer work done. I had to delete many old photo folders as my computer is filled to the max. And it seems I have an influx of baby photos to load. The blog required many more photos and videos edited too. Slowly I am catching up. I also finished 3 tutorials up. I shut it down before 11. Time for some YouTube in bed as the wind howls. There even was a bit of rain.

Tuesday I awoke early yet again at 5:15. I tried to sleep till Har wanted out at 6:30. I stayed awake and perused IG. It started to drizzle which turned into rain. Coffee was needed as house chilly. A bit of marketing then time to get to work on the bedroom suite. This is my biggest project yet. Two nightstands, a long dresser and a chest of drawers. The nightstands and long dresser were primed. I went out in the drizzle to feed cats. I checked the gauge and we have 1/2"!!

Quick potato salad bowl and a BT sandwich for lunch. The chest of drawers took 1 1/2 hours alone to remove hardware, scrub up and prime first coat. Then everything got a second primer coat. Now it has to dry overnight. 

Time to get marketing done. Thank goodness for leftovers from Sunday. I had steak and roasted veggies for supper. I took H out for a short walk, tossed horses hay, buried compost in the garden, drilled holes in my planter bottoms as they are soggy. I checked the gauge to see 1/10 th more but it is still drizzling. Catching up the blog was my evening task and I finally got it all caught up. I as off to bed at 10 to watch Netflix.

Wednesday I was awake after 7. It was a beautiful sunny day. Coffee and bit of marketing to start. Then I hit the garage to get busy on this big project.  It took 3 hours to paint all the pieces 1 coat of white paint. In between pieces I stopped for a quick sandwich for lunch. I had a 2 hour phone class. And 2 parcel deliveries including Harley's raw food. And a quick visit with Sharon back from her lessons. I checked the rain gauge - total yesterday/night 7/10th. 

These are the 2 buds I put in the fridge a few days ago, they don't look great.

S called at 4 saying he was on his way home. I  finished up touchups and tweaks then came in at 5. Blog catch up next. S pulled in at 6:30. I had his supper ready and headed out the door to visit Dad. S did phone in to rodeo meeting. It started to rain as I neared town. Dad was pushing himself around when I arrived. It is so weird to not wear masks in there anymore. I gave dad a pedicure and changed him into soft not compression socks for the night. It was still raining when I was leaving. The sun was out too and a double rainbow. As I drove home it let up down the highway but was coming down nice at the ranch. When it let up we had a summer solstice hot tub soak. Sad to think it is all shorter days going forward from here.

our rainbow

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